The protagonist of “The Lumber Room,” Nicholas is a young and mischievous boy who lives with three other children—his younger brother, his girl-cousin, and his boy-cousin—and his cousins’ aunt. He often clashes…
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The Aunt
The antagonist of the story, Nicholas’s cousins’ aunt seems to be the only adult responsible for the four children under her charge, though the story implies that there are other adults in the household…
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A child in the same household as Nicholas and the aunt. He is either Nicholas’s younger brother or his boy-cousin, but the story doesn’t specify which. Just after the other children depart for…
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Nicholas’s girl-cousin lives in the same household as Nicholas and the aunt. She scrapes her knee right before the children leave to the beach and cries. Nicholas is impressed by how loudly she…
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Minor Characters
Nicholas’s Brother
Nicholas’s younger brother lives in the same household as Nicholas and the aunt. Nicholas finds him “quite uninteresting.” He goes on the trip to Jagborough with the girl-cousin and the boy-cousin.
Nicholas’s cousin who lives in the same household as Nicholas and the aunt. He goes on the trip to Jagborough with the girl-cousin and Nicholas’s younger brother.