The Machine Stops


E.M. Forster

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Themes and Colors
Technology vs. Nature Theme Icon
Religion and Faith Theme Icon
Simulation vs. Experience Theme Icon
Human Connection Theme Icon
Emotion vs. Rationality Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Machine Stops, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Human Connection Theme Icon

In the future society depicted in “The Machine Stops,” human relationships have become shallow and artificial because they are entirely mediated by a technological system known as the Machine. In this world, everyone lives in individual underground rooms, rarely ever seeing others in person. Instead, they communicate through the Machine, using long-distance calling that conveys images and sound. In this way, the Machine makes it much easier to stay in touch with a large number of people—but for that very reason, it prevents them from forming deep connections with one another. For example, the central character, Vashti, has thousands of acquaintances who are constantly calling her. But because her attention is split so many ways, her conversations never rise above the level of small talk. Vashti clashes with her son Kuno, who wants to see her in person, whereas Vashti is uncomfortable talking to people outside of the Machine. She’s horrified at the prospect of touching another human being (even her own son), since their society has eliminated the custom of physical touch. The absence of deeper human connection is a product of the society’s highly utilitarian social structure, in which all familial obligations have been abolished. The family unit has been replaced by public nurseries, and reproduction is now a bureaucratic matter, eliminating romantic relationships.

However, at the same time that this society has made most human relationships shallow and pragmatic rather than emotional, there are also indications that deeper human connections still persist. For instance, Vashti and Kuno have a close mother-son relationship, so much so that when the Machine breaks down at the end of the story, Vashti leaves her pod (which terrifies her) to reunite with Kuno. The moments before their deaths represent a triumph of human relationships, as they’re able to physically touch and connect with each other on a deeper level than ever before. Even more than that, the two characters experience a sense of connection with all of humanity—past, present, and future. This brief yet poignant moment of unity in “The Machine Stops” suggests that our desire for connection with others is fundamental to our nature, and that neither technological nor social changes can ever eliminate it completely.

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Human Connection Quotes in The Machine Stops

Below you will find the important quotes in The Machine Stops related to the theme of Human Connection.
Part 1: The Air-Ship Quotes

“I want to see you not through the Machine,” said Kuno. “I want to speak to you not through the wearisome Machine.”

“Oh, hush!” said his mother, vaguely shocked. “You mustn’t say anything against the Machine.”

“Why not?”

“One mustn’t.”

“You talk as if a god had made the Machine,” cried the other. “I believe that you pray to it when you are unhappy. Men made it, do not forget that. Great men, but men. The machine is much, but it is not everything. I see something like you in this plate, but I do not see you. I hear something like you through this telephone, but I do not hear you. That is why I want you to come. Pay me a visit, so that we can meet face to face, and talk about the hopes that are in my mind.”

Related Characters: Vashti (speaker), Kuno (speaker), The Machine
Page Number: 92
Explanation and Analysis:

“In the air-ship—” He broke off, and she fancied that he looked sad. She could not be sure, for the Machine did not transmit nuances of expression. It only gave a general idea of people—an idea that was good enough for all practical purposes, Vashti thought. The imponderable bloom, declared by a discredited philosophy to be the actual essence of intercourse, was rightly ignored by the Machine, just as the imponderable bloom of the grape was ignored by the manufacturers of artificial fruit. Something ‘good enough’ had long since been accepted by our race.

Related Characters: Kuno (speaker), The Machine , Vashti
Page Number: 93
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: The Mending Apparatus Quotes

She might well declare that the visit was superfluous. The buttons, the knobs, the reading-desk with the Book, the temperature, the atmosphere, the illumination—all were exactly the same. And if Kuno himself, flesh of her flesh, stood close beside her at last, what profit was there in that? She was too well-bred to shake him by the hand.

Related Characters: The Machine , Vashti , Kuno , The Flight Attendant
Related Symbols: The Book
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:

‘I loosened another tile, and put in my head, and shouted into the darkness: ‘I am coming, I shall do it yet,’ and my voice reverberated down endless passages. I seemed to hear the spirits of those dead workmen who had returned each evening to the starlight and to their wives, and all the generations who had lived in the open air called back to me, ‘You will do it yet, you are coming.’”

Related Characters: Kuno (speaker), The Machine , Vashti
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:

“The mortar had somehow rotted, and I soon pushed some more tiles in, and clambered after them into the darkness, and the spirits of the dead comforted me. I don’t know what I mean by that. I just say what I felt. I felt, for the first time, that a protest had been lodged against corruption, and that even as the dead were comforting me, so I was comforting the unborn. I felt that humanity existed, and that it existed without clothes. How can I possibly explain this? It was naked, humanity seemed naked, and all these tubes and buttons and machineries neither came into the world with us, nor will they follow us out, nor do they matter supremely while we are here. Had I been strong, I would have torn off every garment I had, and gone out into the outer air unswaddled. But this is not for me, nor perhaps for my generation. I climbed with my respirator and my hygienic clothes and my dietetic tabloids! Better thus than not at all.”

Related Characters: Kuno (speaker), The Machine , Vashti
Related Symbols: Respirators
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:

Tears gathered in his mother’s eyes. She knew that he was fated. If he did not die today he would die tomorrow. There was not room for such a person in the world. And with her pity disgust mingled. She was ashamed at having borne such a son, she who had always been so respectable and so full of ideas. Was he really the little boy to whom she had taught the use of his stops and buttons, and to whom she had given his first lessons in the Book? The very hair that disfigured his lip showed that he was reverting to some savage type. On atavism the Machine can have no mercy.

Related Characters: The Machine , Vashti , Kuno
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 108
Explanation and Analysis:

“Cannot you see, cannot all you lecturers see, that it is we that are dying, and that down here the only thing that really lives is the Machine? We created the Machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now. It has robbed us of the sense of space and of the sense of touch, it has blurred every human relation and narrowed down love to a carnal act, it has paralyzed our bodies and our wills, and now it compels us to worship it. The Machine develops—but not on our lives. The Machine proceeds—but not to our goal. We only exist as the blood corpuscules that course through its arteries, and if it could work without us, it would let us die. Oh, I have no remedy—or, at least, only one—to tell men again and again that I have seen the hills of Wessex as Aelfrid saw them when he overthrew the Danes.”

Related Characters: Kuno (speaker), The Machine , Vashti
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 110
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: The Homeless Quotes

They wept for humanity, those two, not for themselves. […] Man, the flower of all flesh, the noblest of all creatures visible, man who had once made god in his image, and had mirrored his strength on the constellations, beautiful naked man was dying, strangled in the garments that he had woven. Century after century had he toiled, and here was his reward. Truly the garment had seemed heavenly at first, shot with the colours of culture, sewn with the threads of self-denial. And heavenly it had been so long as it was a garment and no more, so long as man could shed it at will and live by the essence that is his soul, and the essence, equally divine, that is his body. The sin against the body—it was for that they wept in chief; the centuries of wrong against the muscles and the nerves, and those five portals by which we can alone apprehend—glozing it over with talk of evolution, until the body was white pap, the home of ideas as colourless, last sloshy stirrings of a spirit that had grasped the stars.

Related Characters: The Machine , Vashti , Kuno
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 122-123
Explanation and Analysis:

“Is there any hope, Kuno?”

“None for us.”

“Where are you?”

She crawled towards him over the bodies of the dead. His blood spurted over her hands.

“Quicker,” he gasped, “I am dying—but we touch, we talk, not through the Machine.”

He kissed her.

“We have come back to our own. We die, but we have recaptured life, as it was in Wessex, when Aelfrid overthrew the Danes. We know what they know outside, they who dwelt in the cloud that is the colour of a pearl.”

“But, Kuno, is it true? Are there still men on the surface of the earth? Is this—this tunnel, this poisoned darkness—really not the end?”

He replied:

“I have seen them, spoken to them, loved them. They are hiding in the mist and the ferns until our civilization stops. To-day they are the Homeless—to-morrow—”

“Oh, to-morrow—some fool will start the Machine again, to-morrow.”

“Never,” said Kuno, “never. Humanity has learnt its lesson.”

Related Characters: Vashti (speaker), Kuno (speaker), The Machine
Page Number: 123
Explanation and Analysis:

As he spoke, the whole city was broken like a honeycomb. An air-ship had sailed in through the vomitory into a ruined wharf. It crashed downwards, exploding as it went, rending gallery after gallery with its wings of steel. For a moment they saw the nations of the dead, and, before they joined them, scraps of the untainted sky.

Related Characters: The Machine , Vashti , Kuno
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 123
Explanation and Analysis: