The Maltese Falcon


Dashiell Hammett

Rhea Gutman Character Analysis

Casper Gutman’s daughter. Drugged by her father, she uses a metal pin to make scratches in her stomach in order to stay awake long enough to tell Spade that Brigid O’Shaughnessy has been kidnapped. It is unclear whether Rhea was tricked by her father or if she was in on the scheme.
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Rhea Gutman Character Timeline in The Maltese Falcon

The timeline below shows where the character Rhea Gutman appears in The Maltese Falcon. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 17: Saturday Night
...With the falcon safe, Spade heads to Gutman’s hotel room where a beautiful young woman, Rhea Gutman, lets him in. As soon as she does, she faints into his arm. (full context)
...walk back inside the apartment, realizing that Gutman must have drugged her. In his arms, Rhea reveals that she’s been keeping herself awake by making cuts in her belly with a... (full context)