The Management of Grief


Bharati Mukherjee

Elderly Couple Character Analysis

When Shaila Bhave agrees to help Judith Templeton, they visit an elderly Sikh couple whose two sons were killed in the attack. The couple is reluctant to sign the papers Judith wants them to sign because they believe that “God will provide” for them instead of the government. By signing, they worry they’ll be giving up hope that they might see their sons again. After they leave the couple’s apartment without getting them to sign the papers, Shaila wants to tell Judith, “In our culture, it is a parent’s duty to hope.” Instead, after Judith complains about the couple’s “stubbornness and ignorance”—and after Judith begins to complain about the next person they have an appointment with—Shaila leaves without explaining why.

Elderly Couple Quotes in The Management of Grief

The The Management of Grief quotes below are all either spoken by Elderly Couple or refer to Elderly Couple. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Managing Versus Experiencing Grief Theme Icon
The Management of Grief Quotes

“God provides and God takes away,” he says.

I want to say, But only men destroy and give back nothing. “My boys and my husband are not coming back,” I say. “We have to understand that.”

Now the old woman responds. “But who is to say? Man alone does not decide these things.” To this her husband adds his agreement.

Related Characters: Shaila Bhave (speaker), Elderly Couple (speaker)
Page Number: 194
Explanation and Analysis:
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Elderly Couple Quotes in The Management of Grief

The The Management of Grief quotes below are all either spoken by Elderly Couple or refer to Elderly Couple. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Managing Versus Experiencing Grief Theme Icon
The Management of Grief Quotes

“God provides and God takes away,” he says.

I want to say, But only men destroy and give back nothing. “My boys and my husband are not coming back,” I say. “We have to understand that.”

Now the old woman responds. “But who is to say? Man alone does not decide these things.” To this her husband adds his agreement.

Related Characters: Shaila Bhave (speaker), Elderly Couple (speaker)
Page Number: 194
Explanation and Analysis: