The Management of Grief


Bharati Mukherjee

Vikram Bhave Character Analysis

Vikram Bhave was Shaila’s husband, who was killed in the plane bombing. Shaila Bhave and Kusum talk about how they both wish they had spoken more openly to their husbands before the men were killed in the terrorist attack. When overlooking the bay in Ireland where the plane crashed, Shaila puts a poem that she wrote into the water, expressing to Vikram how she feels. Vikram appears to Shaila in visions, encouraging her to continue with the journey that they began together.

Vikram Bhave Quotes in The Management of Grief

The The Management of Grief quotes below are all either spoken by Vikram Bhave or refer to Vikram Bhave. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Managing Versus Experiencing Grief Theme Icon
The Management of Grief Quotes

I wonder if pills alone explain this calm. Not peace, just a deadening quiet… Sound can reach me, but my body is tensed, ready to scream. I hear their voices all around me. I hear my boys and Vikram cry, “Mommy, Shaila!” and their screams insulate me, like headphones.

Related Characters: Shaila Bhave (speaker), Vikram Bhave, Vinod Bhave, Mithun Bhave
Page Number: 180
Explanation and Analysis:

I do not know where this voyage I have begun will end. I do not know which direction I will take. I dropped the package on a park bench and started walking.

Related Characters: Shaila Bhave (speaker), Vikram Bhave, Vinod Bhave, Mithun Bhave
Related Symbols: Shaila’s Package
Page Number: 197
Explanation and Analysis:
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