The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov

Andrei Fokich Sokov Character Analysis

Andrei is the barman and buffet manager of the Variety theater. After Woland’s “black magic séance,” the theater customers use money from the show at the bar and buffet. When this money later turns into cut-up paper, Andrei goes to see Woland, who nonchalantly tells Andrei that he will soon die of liver cancer. Andrei goes to see Professor Kuzmin; a few months later, Woland’s prediction comes true.
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Andrei Fokich Sokov Character Timeline in The Master and Margarita

The timeline below shows where the character Andrei Fokich Sokov appears in The Master and Margarita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 18. Hapless Visitors
This other man is Andrei Fokich Sokov, barman at the Variety. He has come to apartment no. 50 to complain... (full context)
On learning that Andrei is the Variety barman, Woland lambasts the food served at the Variety buffet, specifically the... (full context)
Andrei then tries to raise the question of the money. Woland invites him to sit down,... (full context)
Woland offers Andrei a drink and asks if he would like to play dominoes or cards. Andrei declines... (full context)
Andrei again tries to ask about the money, referring to Woland’s séance. Woland tells Andrei a... (full context)
Woland asks Andrei if the Muscovites are crooks, to which Andrei admits that some of them are. Woland... (full context)
Koroviev comes in and instructs Hella, the naked woman, to see the disoriented Andrei out of the apartment. As he leaves, Andrei returns to get his hat, which he... (full context)
Worried by Woland’s prediction, Andrei heads right away to a nearby doctor, who happens to be a specialist in liver... (full context)
Later on, Professor Kuzmin notices that the money left behind by Andrei has turned into wine bottle labels. He complains to his secretary before returning his room... (full context)
...the characters who encountered Woland remain deeply affected by the experience. True to Woland’s prediction, Andrei Fokich dies of liver cancer. (full context)