The Monk


Matthew Lewis

Lucifer Character Analysis

Ambrosio sells his soul to Lucifer—the devil—to avoid punishment for the many sins he has committed ever since Matilda first seduced him into breaking his vow of celibacy. After Ambrosio has damned his soul for all eternity, Lucifer reveals a series of shocking and horrific truths: Ambrosio is in fact the son of Elvira and the brother of Antonia, meaning that Ambrosio has murdered is own mother and has committed incest. Lucifer also explains that he sent Matilda—a demon disguised as a mortal woman—to Earth to show how easy it is for even someone as devout and disciplined as Ambrosio to reject their faith and succumb to sin and temptation.

Lucifer Quotes in The Monk

The The Monk quotes below are all either spoken by Lucifer or refer to Lucifer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

Ambrosio was yet to learn, that to an heart unacquainted with her, vice is ever most dangerous when lurking behind the mask of virtue.

Related Characters: Ambrosio, Matilda/Rosario , Lucifer
Page Number: 75
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Chapter 12 Quotes

‘I have him then in my power! This model of piety! this being without reproach! this mortal who placed his puny virtues on a level with those of angels. He is mine! irrevocably, eternally mine! Companions of my sufferings! denizens of hell! How grateful will be my present!’

Related Characters: Lucifer (speaker), Ambrosio, Matilda/Rosario
Page Number: 374
Explanation and Analysis:

‘What?’ he cried, darting at him a look of fury: ‘Dare you still implore the Eternal’s mercy? Would you feign penitence, and again act an hypocrite’s part? Villain, resign your hopes of pardon. Thus I secure my prey!’

Related Characters: Lucifer (speaker), Ambrosio
Page Number: 376
Explanation and Analysis:
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Lucifer Quotes in The Monk

The The Monk quotes below are all either spoken by Lucifer or refer to Lucifer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

Ambrosio was yet to learn, that to an heart unacquainted with her, vice is ever most dangerous when lurking behind the mask of virtue.

Related Characters: Ambrosio, Matilda/Rosario , Lucifer
Page Number: 75
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Chapter 12 Quotes

‘I have him then in my power! This model of piety! this being without reproach! this mortal who placed his puny virtues on a level with those of angels. He is mine! irrevocably, eternally mine! Companions of my sufferings! denizens of hell! How grateful will be my present!’

Related Characters: Lucifer (speaker), Ambrosio, Matilda/Rosario
Page Number: 374
Explanation and Analysis:

‘What?’ he cried, darting at him a look of fury: ‘Dare you still implore the Eternal’s mercy? Would you feign penitence, and again act an hypocrite’s part? Villain, resign your hopes of pardon. Thus I secure my prey!’

Related Characters: Lucifer (speaker), Ambrosio
Page Number: 376
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