The Monk


Matthew Lewis

Marguerite Character Analysis

Marguerite is Baptiste’s wife and Theodore’s mother. Although Raymond initially finds Marguerite to be rude and unfeeling, he later realizes that her prickly demeanor is actually an expression of disgust at her husband’s murderous schemes. In fact, Marguerite herself is a victim of Baptiste, who keeps her under his control by threatening to harm her sons if she ever tries to run away. Marguerite discreetly alerts Raymond to Baptiste’s plot to murder and rob Raymond and the other travelers, enabling Raymond to murder Baptiste and orchestrate his would-be victims’ escape.

Marguerite Quotes in The Monk

The The Monk quotes below are all either spoken by Marguerite or refer to Marguerite. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

A glance upon Marguerite told her that her hint had not been thrown away upon me. How different did she now appear to me! What before seemed gloom and sullenness, I now found to be disgust at her associates and compassion for my danger.

Related Characters: Raymond (speaker), Baptiste, Marguerite
Page Number: 98
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Marguerite Quotes in The Monk

The The Monk quotes below are all either spoken by Marguerite or refer to Marguerite. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

A glance upon Marguerite told her that her hint had not been thrown away upon me. How different did she now appear to me! What before seemed gloom and sullenness, I now found to be disgust at her associates and compassion for my danger.

Related Characters: Raymond (speaker), Baptiste, Marguerite
Page Number: 98
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