The Night Watchman

The Night Watchman


Louise Erdrich

The Night Watchman: À Ta Santé Summary & Analysis

Back at work, they’ve signed a petition to try and get coffee breaks reinstated. Patrice is working extra hard because she wants to ask for a raise. She’s now supporting four people at home instead of two. Though Wood Mountain had recently gotten a federal job driving school buses. And Millie had decided to become an anthropologist. She wanted to study with Zhaanat and had applied for money to make sure Zhaanat got paid as well.
The workers at the jewel bearing plant use the same strategies to fight for their rights that the community used to oppose the Termination Bill. They unite as a community and act in solidarity to try and counter the people in power who would be able to easily defeat them if they acted as individuals. Similarly, when Millie decides to study with Zhaanat, it’s important to her that Zhaanat is paid for her work. 
Power, Solidarity, and Community Action Theme Icon