The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

Christiana Character Analysis

Christiana is Christian’s wife. In the book’s first part, she mocks Christian’s faith and refuses to go on pilgrimage with him. In the second part, she repents and decides to follow him to the Celestial City, along with her four sons and her friend Mercy. Over the second half of the book, Christiana gathers various other pilgrims into the group, including Honest, Feeble-mind, and Valiant-for-Truth. Besides retracing much of Christian’s path along the narrow way, Christiana has a keen eye for spiritual symbolism and is genuinely curious about theological concepts. For example, at the Cross, she questions her guide, Mr. Great-heart, at length regarding the Christian doctrine of justification. She is also praised by Prudence for having given her sons good religious instruction. When she reaches Beulah, Christiana receives a letter summoning her to the Celestial City and crosses the River of Death after bidding each of her friends farewell.

Christiana Quotes in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The The Pilgrim’s Progress quotes below are all either spoken by Christiana or refer to Christiana. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2: The Interpreter’s House Quotes

Now said he, compare this Hen to your King, and these Chickens to his obedient ones. For answerable to her, himself has his methods which he walketh in towards his People; by his common call he gives nothing; by his special call he always has something to give; he has also a brooding voice for them that are under his wing; and he has an outcry to give the alarm when he seeth the Enemy come. I chose, my Darlings, to lead you into the Room where such things are, because you are Women, and they are easy for you.

Related Characters: Interpreter (speaker), Christiana, Mercy
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 207
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Part 2: From the Interpreter’s House to the Porter’s House Quotes

Now said Christiana, it comes to my mind what was said to us at the Gate, to wit, that we should have pardon by word and deed: by word, that is, by the promise; by deed, to wit, in the way it was obtained. What the promise is, of that I know something; but what it is to have pardon by deed, or in the way that it was obtained, Mr Great-heart, I suppose you know; wherefore if you please let us hear your discourse thereof.

Related Characters: Christiana (speaker), Mr. Great-heart
Page Number: 215
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: At the Porter’s House Quotes

And because Prudence would see how Christiana had brought up her Children, she asked leave of her to catechise them. So she gave her free consent. Then she began at the youngest, whose name was James.

PRUDENCE. And she said, Come James, canst thou tell who made thee?

JAMES. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. […]

Then said Prudence to Christiana, You are to be commended for thus bringing up your Children.

Related Characters: Prudence (speaker), James (speaker), Christiana
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 230
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Christiana Quotes in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The The Pilgrim’s Progress quotes below are all either spoken by Christiana or refer to Christiana. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2: The Interpreter’s House Quotes

Now said he, compare this Hen to your King, and these Chickens to his obedient ones. For answerable to her, himself has his methods which he walketh in towards his People; by his common call he gives nothing; by his special call he always has something to give; he has also a brooding voice for them that are under his wing; and he has an outcry to give the alarm when he seeth the Enemy come. I chose, my Darlings, to lead you into the Room where such things are, because you are Women, and they are easy for you.

Related Characters: Interpreter (speaker), Christiana, Mercy
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 207
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Part 2: From the Interpreter’s House to the Porter’s House Quotes

Now said Christiana, it comes to my mind what was said to us at the Gate, to wit, that we should have pardon by word and deed: by word, that is, by the promise; by deed, to wit, in the way it was obtained. What the promise is, of that I know something; but what it is to have pardon by deed, or in the way that it was obtained, Mr Great-heart, I suppose you know; wherefore if you please let us hear your discourse thereof.

Related Characters: Christiana (speaker), Mr. Great-heart
Page Number: 215
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: At the Porter’s House Quotes

And because Prudence would see how Christiana had brought up her Children, she asked leave of her to catechise them. So she gave her free consent. Then she began at the youngest, whose name was James.

PRUDENCE. And she said, Come James, canst thou tell who made thee?

JAMES. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. […]

Then said Prudence to Christiana, You are to be commended for thus bringing up your Children.

Related Characters: Prudence (speaker), James (speaker), Christiana
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 230
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