The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

Formalist Character Analysis

Formalist is a man who climbs over the wall of Salvation to access the narrow way, instead of entering the prescribed way, through the Wicket-gate. Christian warns him and Hypocrisy that he is a thief in the Lord’s territory and thus will not be welcomed when he reaches the Celestial City. After taking an easy path to avoid the Hill Difficulty, he’s never seen again.
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Formalist Character Timeline in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The timeline below shows where the character Formalist appears in The Pilgrim’s Progress. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: The Cross
Just then, two men scramble over the wall beside the narrow way: their names are Formalist and Hypocrisy. They explain to Christian that they’re taking a shortcut to Mount Zion. Christian... (full context)
Part 1: Hill Difficulty and Palace Beautiful
...named Danger and Destruction. Christian refreshes himself at a spring and then climbs the hill. Formality and Hypocrisy take the other paths, assuming these routes are easier and are bound for... (full context)
Part 2: From the Interpreter’s House to the Porter’s House
Next, they arrive at the Hill Difficulty. Great-heart shows the women the by-ways by which Formality and Hypocrisy got lost. Even though the byways are chained off and filled with ditches,... (full context)