The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

Temporary Character Analysis

Temporary is a man from the town of Graceless whom Christian and Hopeful discuss. At one time, Temporary felt convicted of his sins, but he went astray after befriending a man named Saveself. Temporary is an example of someone who feels guilty about sin, but doesn’t actually follow Christ in response; instead, they drift back into the ways of the world.
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Temporary Character Timeline in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The timeline below shows where the character Temporary appears in The Pilgrim’s Progress. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: Fear and Backsliding
Christian changes the subject, asking Hopeful if he remembers a fellow named Temporary from the town of Graceless. Hopeful remembers that Temporary once seemed to feel conviction for... (full context)