The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

The Pilgrim’s Progress: Part 1: Beulah, the River of Death, and the Celestial City Quiz 7 questions

Test your knowledge of Part 1: Beulah, the River of Death, and the Celestial City. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What does the pilgrims' "sickness" for the Celestial City symbolize?
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A dangerous obsession that leads them away from the true path
The soul's deep desire and longing for union with Christ
Physical illness that must be overcome before entering Heaven
The final test of faith before being allowed into the Celestial City
What challenge must Christian and Hopeful face before entering the Celestial City?
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A mountain that must be climbed without any equipment
A series of riddles posed by the Gatekeeper
A final battle against the forces of evil
A deep River without a bridge, representing the inevitability of death
How does Hopeful help Christian in the River?
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By praying for a miraculous intervention to save Christian
By keeping Christian's head above water and encouraging him to focus on God’s goodness
By fetching a boat to carry them both safely to the other side
By leading Christian back to the shore to find another crossing
What ultimately helps Christian overcome his fear in the River?
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Hopeful's support and the memory of a Bible verse promising God's presence
Hopeful's support and the memory of a Bible verse promising God's presence
The appearance of the Shining Ones to physically assist them
The realization that the River is an illusion and not real
What are Christian and Hopeful told they will experience in the Celestial City?
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Challenges and tests similar to those on earth, but with greater rewards
A peaceful existence with no sorrow or suffering, and eternal communion with God
Continuous battles against spiritual enemies to maintain their place in the city
The need to teach and guide other pilgrims who arrive in the city
Who welcomes Christian and Hopeful as they approach the Gate of the Celestial City?
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A Heavenly Host and a group of the King’s Trumpeters
Their family and friends who had gone before them
A council of wise men from Earth’s history
Angels in disguise as pilgrims who had previously completed the journey
What does the narrator realize at the end of the story?
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That the journey was a metaphor for his own life
That he must begin his pilgrimage immediately
That the entire story has been a dream
That he has been reading a history book, not dreaming