The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

The Pilgrim’s Progress: Part 1: Demas and By-path Meadow Quiz 4 questions

Test your knowledge of Part 1: Demas and By-path Meadow. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What danger does the silver-mine at the hill called Lucre represent for Christian and Hopeful?
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The risk of physical injury or death from mining accidents
The temptation of wealth leading pilgrims away from their spiritual journey
The challenge of navigating through treacherous landscapes
The difficulty of resisting peer pressure and the influence of others
How does the story of Lot's wife serve as a warning to pilgrims like Christian and Hopeful?
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It cautions against the temptation to return to or long for one's previous sinful life
It warns of the threat of physical harm in dangerous locations
It emphasizes the need for immediate repentance for all past wrongs
It suggests that all who stray from the path will face immediate judgment
What mistake do Christian and Hopeful make when they decide to follow the path through By-path Meadow?
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They accidentally leave behind important supplies and provisions
They ignore the clear signs warning them of danger ahead
They trust in their own strength instead of seeking divine guidance
They choose an easier path, risking being led astray from their intended route
What consequence do Christian and Hopeful face as a result of following Vain-confidence?
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They are captured by enemies and taken prisoner
They reach their destination much faster than anticipated
They are led into danger and become stranded due to flooding
They find a hidden treasure that Vain-confidence was leading them to