The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

Test your knowledge of Part 1: The Delectable Mountains. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What biblical symbolism is associated with the shepherds in the story?
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Shepherds symbolize protection and guidance, akin to Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Shepherds represent the divine wrath punishing those who stray from the path
They are seen as symbols of wealth and prosperity in biblical times
Shepherds are portrayed as solitary figures, representing resourcefulness and self-reliance
What do Christian and Hopeful witness at the mountain named Caution, and what is the significance of this sight?
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They see a treasure buried under the mountain, symbolizing the rewards of faith
They observe men, some blind, stumbling among tombs, showing the consequences of despair
They view a group of travelers singing joyfully, representing the communal aspect of pilgrimage
They spot a fierce storm approaching, symbolizing the trials and tribulations of life
What lesson do Christian and Hopeful learn from the glimpse of Hell they are shown?
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That true faith is rewarded with material wealth
That only those who perform grand gestures of faith will be saved
That appearing to be a pilgrim is enough to ensure salvation
That hypocrisy can lead even long-time pilgrims to Hell, as exemplified by Judas
What do the Shepherds provide Christian and Hopeful with to help them see the Celestial City, and how do the pilgrims react?
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A map that details the safest path to the Celestial City; they study it carefully
A perspective-glass; but they are so shaken by a previous sight that they can only see the City’s Gate
A guide who promises to lead them directly to the city; they are skeptical but follow
A boat to cross the final river to the city; they are afraid to embark due to the rough waters