The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

Test your knowledge of Part 2: At the Porter’s House. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What does the Porter’s House represent for the pilgrims?
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A temporary distraction from their journey
A place of trial and testing
A foretaste of Heaven and a place of refreshment
The final destination of their pilgrimage
How does Christiana interpret Mercy's dream?
2 of 6
As a good and true dream indicating Mercy's spiritual state
As a meaningless figment of imagination
As a warning of challenges ahead
As an indication that Mercy needs to change her ways
What does Prudence's desire to catechize Christiana's sons indicate?
3 of 6
That she doubts Christiana’s abilities as a mother
That religious education is a critical aspect of their pilgrimage
That the boys have been misbehaving
That she wants to take over Christiana's maternal role
What does Prudence emphasize to the boys after the catechism sessions?
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The importance of continuing their formal education
The need to start questioning their beliefs
The significance of learning from their mother and studying the Bible on their own
The urgency of teaching others what they have learned
What initially attracts Mr. Brisk to Mercy?
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Her religious devotion
Her wealth and social status
Her beauty and elegance
Her charitable work and potential as a housewife
What is Mercy's attitude towards remaining unmarried?
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She is distressed and wishes to change in order to attract a husband
She is delighted to be single, since marriage is less admirable than ministry
She is actively seeking a husband who will accept her work
She is content if it means she can continue her work with the poor