The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

Roll / Certificate / Scroll Symbol Analysis

After Christian loses the burden of his sin and guilt at the Cross, an angel gives him a roll to read as he continues his pilgrimage to the Celestial City. The roll, alternately referred to as a certificate or scroll, symbolizes Christian’s assurance of his salvation. In Puritan theology, salvation is viewed as a guaranteed, objective gift from God, yet even a redeemed sinner often experiences doubts and fears about the afterlife, depending on their personal circumstances, temperament, and ongoing sin. The roll, therefore, gives Christian a concrete object to refer to when he’s overcome by doubts. When he negligently loses his roll on the Hill Difficulty, Christian finds his journey much tougher; when he finds it again, he progresses up the Hill with ease, showing how much a pilgrim’s subjective state can impact their outward journey. When he finally arrives at the Celestial Gate, Christian hands in his roll; now that he has attained his heavenly goal, he no longer requires a token of assurance.

Roll / Certificate / Scroll Quotes in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The The Pilgrim’s Progress quotes below all refer to the symbol of Roll / Certificate / Scroll. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Ignorance, Little-faith, and Flatterer Quotes

I know my Lord’s will, and I have been a good liver; I pay every man his own; I Pray, Fast, pay Tithes, and give Alms […] Gentlemen, ye be utter strangers to me, I know you not; be content to follow the Religion of your Country, and I will follow the Religion of mine. I hope all will be well. And as for the Gate that you talk of, all the world knows that that is a great way off of our Country.

Related Characters: Ignorance (speaker), Christian, Hopeful
Related Symbols: Wicket-gate, Roll / Certificate / Scroll
Page Number: 129
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Roll / Certificate / Scroll Symbol Timeline in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The timeline below shows where the symbol Roll / Certificate / Scroll appears in The Pilgrim’s Progress. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: The Cross
...Christian’s rags and puts new clothes on him. The third angel gives Christian a sealed roll, telling him to look at it as he journeys, and to hand it in when... (full context)
...and Hypocrisy go on their way, laughing. Christian goes on alone, often looking at the roll that one of the Shining Ones gave him for reassurance. (full context)
Part 1: Hill Difficulty and Palace Beautiful
...Lord of the Hill has placed there for travelers’ refreshment. While there, he studies his roll and admires the garment that was given to him at the Cross. Soon, he falls... (full context)
...whereas the way forward promises eternal life. As he continues forward, he fumbles for his roll but is distressed to discover it missing. Sorrowfully, he retraces his steps to the spot... (full context)
Christian finds his roll where he’d left it, thanks God, and heads back up the hill joyfully and quickly.... (full context)
...brings him grief. However, when he thinks about the Cross, or his garment, or his roll, former things don’t trouble him. He further explains that he is journeying to Mount Zion... (full context)
Part 1: Ignorance, Little-faith, and Flatterer named Ignorance who’s on his way to the Celestial City. Since Ignorance has no scroll to hand in at the Gate, the pilgrims ask him how he hopes to gain... (full context)
...although the robbers got Little-faith’s spending-money, they didn’t get his most valuable jewels, or his certificate for the Celestial Gate. However, this was due to God’s grace, not Little-faith’s wisdom. And... (full context)
Part 1: Beulah, the River of Death, and the Celestial City
...Moses and Elijah looking over the Gate at them. Christian and Hopeful hand in their certificates, and from inside, the King commands that the Gate be opened. As Christian and Faithful... (full context)
...people of the City question him. When the residents of the City ask for his certificate, Ignorance has nothing to show them. Then the King tells the Shining Ones to bind... (full context)