The Poppy War


R. F. Kuang

Tyr Character Analysis

Tyr is the commander of the Cike who precedes Altan in the role. He serves a goddess of darkness, which allows him to hide in the shadows and feel at home in the dark. Tyr is the first—and for a while, only—person to realize that the Empress is working against the Empire: she kills him while they’re both on a Federation ship.

Tyr Quotes in The Poppy War

The The Poppy War quotes below are all either spoken by Tyr or refer to Tyr. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dehumanization and the Horrors of War Theme Icon
Chapter 18 Quotes

“Altan is perhaps the most powerful martial artist in Nikan right now. Maybe the world,” said Chaghan. “But for all that, most of his life he was just good at following orders. Tyr’s death was a shock to us. Altan wasn’t ready to take over. Command is difficult for him. He doesn’t know how to make peace with the Warlords. He’s overextended. He’s trying to fight an entire war with a squad of ten. And he’s going to lose.”

“You don’t think we can hold Khurdalain?”

“I think we were never meant to hold Khurdalain,” said Chaghan. “I think Khurdalain was a sacrifice for time paid in blood. Altan is going to lose because Khurdalain is not winnable, and when he does, it’s going to break him.”

Related Characters: Rin (Fang Runin) (speaker), Chaghan (speaker), Master Jiang (the Gatekeeper), Altan Trengsin, Empress Su Daji (The Vipress), Tyr
Page Number: 377-378
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tyr Character Timeline in The Poppy War

The timeline below shows where the character Tyr appears in The Poppy War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10
Dehumanization and the Horrors of War Theme Icon
Identity, Cultural Trauma, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
The Purpose of Education Theme Icon
...between Nikan and the Federation for 12 nights. Unbeknownst to the crew, the Cike’s commander, Tyr, is hiding on the ship. This was an unusual mission: normally, the Cike work within... (full context)
Identity, Cultural Trauma, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
The Purpose of Education Theme Icon
The schooner’s passenger boards the Ryohai: it’s Empress Su Daji herself. Tyr is shocked. The Empress calls to him, but her eyes turn into snake’s eyes, and... (full context)
Chapter 23
Dehumanization and the Horrors of War Theme Icon
The Purpose of Education Theme Icon
Addiction, Drugs, and Control Theme Icon
...laughs when Altan asks for help fighting a war. Feylen points out that Altan helped Tyr immure him here after promising to help. Stepping out of the tomb, Feylen says they’re... (full context)