The Possibility of Evil


Shirley Jackson

The Crane Baby Character Analysis

The Crane baby is the female child of Don and Helen Crane. Helen refers to her as a princess and insists on spoiling her, much to the chagrin of Miss Strangeworth. Helen also worries about the child’s development. Miss Strangeworth tells Helen she is being silly, but later writes her a letter calling her child an idiot.

The Crane Baby Quotes in The Possibility of Evil

The The Possibility of Evil quotes below are all either spoken by The Crane Baby or refer to The Crane Baby. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Possibility of Evil Quotes

Carrying her little bag of groceries, Miss Strangeworth came out of the store into the bright sunlight and stopped to smile down on the Crane baby. Don and Helen Crane were really the two most infatuated young parents she had ever known, she thought indulgently, looking at the delicately embroidered baby cap and the lace-edged carriage cover.

“That little girl is going to grow up expecting luxury all her life,” she said to Helen Crane.

Related Characters: Miss Adela Strangeworth (speaker), Helen Crane, The Crane Baby
Page Number: 3
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The Crane Baby Quotes in The Possibility of Evil

The The Possibility of Evil quotes below are all either spoken by The Crane Baby or refer to The Crane Baby. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Possibility of Evil Quotes

Carrying her little bag of groceries, Miss Strangeworth came out of the store into the bright sunlight and stopped to smile down on the Crane baby. Don and Helen Crane were really the two most infatuated young parents she had ever known, she thought indulgently, looking at the delicately embroidered baby cap and the lace-edged carriage cover.

“That little girl is going to grow up expecting luxury all her life,” she said to Helen Crane.

Related Characters: Miss Adela Strangeworth (speaker), Helen Crane, The Crane Baby
Page Number: 3
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