The Praise of Folly


Desiderius Erasmus

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Themes and Colors
Folly vs. Wisdom Theme Icon
Power, Privilege, and Hypocrisy  Theme Icon
Happiness, Delusion, and the Human Condition Theme Icon
Rhetoric Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Praise of Folly, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.

Folly vs. Wisdom

One of the core arguments of The Praise of Folly is the idea that humanity’s conventional understanding of foolishness and wisdom is flipped. Written from the perspective of Folly, the essay aims defend to folly from those who might condemn it, suggesting that fools often act more wisely than the wise, and that the wise often behave more foolishly than fools. For instance, Folly asks her readers to consider the things that scholars sacrifice…

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Power, Privilege, and Hypocrisy

In many ways, The Praise of Folly functions as a social critique of Erasmus’s time. Through the guise of eulogizing folly, Erasmus allows himself to point out the various ways in which almost everyone in the world is foolish, especially those in power. However, while Erasmus sees folly as a remedy for the struggles of life, it’s more problematic in the case of Kings and Princes. Erasmus argues that, were Kings and Princes to…

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Happiness, Delusion, and the Human Condition

One of the central arguments in The Praise of Folly is that folly is more valuable to humans than they may realize. While humans praise gods like Athena, Aphrodite, and Ares and laud their respective, associated virtues of knowledge, beauty, and bravery, Erasmus, through the narrative voice of Folly, suggests that folly is actually more crucial to human happiness and well-being. Folly takes the reader through various categories of men and women, emphasizing…

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A major theme in The Praise of Folly is the folly of rhetoric, or the art of persuasive speaking.  While rhetoric itself is not inherently malevolent or corrupt, Erasmus, through the voice of Folly, demonstrates how rhetoric, with its aim to persuade audiences through the manipulation of language, is another way that humans engage with folly in their daily life. In her speech, Folly begins her examination of rhetoric by focusing on its…

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