The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie


Muriel Spark

Miss Lockhart Character Analysis

The Senior science teacher at Blaine, Miss Lockhart is, in contrast to Miss Brodie, a teacher dedicated to nothing more than teaching her subject rigorously and well. She does not regard the girls in her class as personalities but as students, which they appreciate. Toward the end of the novel, Miss Lockhart becomes engaged to Mr. Lowther.
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Miss Lockhart Character Timeline in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Lockhart appears in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2
...sends her to have it removed by the science teacher to the Senior girls, Miss Lockhart. Sandy even goes so far once in a while as to intentionally spill ink on... (full context)
Chapter 4
...all very nice, and they treat the girls not as personalities but as students. Miss Lockhart, the science teacher, dramatically opens class by saying she holds enough gunpowder in her hand... (full context)
Miss Lockhart, the Senior school science teacher, is like a mysterious priest to the girls, with her... (full context)
Chapter 5
...the Brodie girls, Sandy and Rose excluded. Meanwhile, Sandy recalls to herself having seen Miss Lockhart golfing one Saturday with Mr. Lowther. The scene closes with Miss Brodie praising Sandy for... (full context) reported in the newspaper The Scotsman that Mr. Lowther has become engaged to Miss Lockhart. Nobody expected it, and Miss Brodie feels betrayed. The term following, Miss Brodie puts her... (full context)