Civilization and Nature
“The Rain Horse” dramatizes the conflict between civilization—represented by the protagonist, a young man who abandoned the countryside 12 years ago—and nature. Having returned to the rural area where he grew up, the man wears a new suit as he traverses the rough terrain—a mark of his belief that he’s impervious to the elements. But as he wanders through the farmland, he’s powerless in the face of nature’s onslaughts: driving rain, a treacherous landscape, and…
read analysis of Civilization and NatureFear and Alienation
Even before the arrival of the “nightmarish” black horse, the protagonist of “The Rain Horse” is alienated and afraid. Having returned to the countryside where he grew up after 12 years away, the man fears how empty, incompetent, and weak this place now makes him feel. It’s because of this that he immediately and desperately wants to flee—but he refuses to take the easiest path because it passes by a nearby farm and he’s…
read analysis of Fear and AlienationNostalgia
The man at the center of “The Rain Horse” has returned to the countryside where he grew up after 12 years away, and he’s walked miles from the village to revisit a vista he remembers affectionately from his youth. The walk, however, has been too long, too wet, and too muddy; and when he arrives at the long-sought view, he finds it disappointing. He feels antagonized rather than comforted by nature, alienated and even mocked…
read analysis of Nostalgia