The Ramayana


R. K. Narayan

Mareecha Character Analysis

Mareecha is Thataka's son and Ravana's uncle. Though he's a demon, he attempts to correct his life by giving up his violent ways and praying. When Ravana threatens him, however, Mareecha agrees to help abduct Sita. Mareecha is correct in believing that this decision will be the end of him: Rama shoots and kills him.
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Mareecha Character Timeline in The Ramayana

The timeline below shows where the character Mareecha appears in The Ramayana. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
1. Rama's Initiation
Thataka was a demigod's daughter who married a chieftain and had two sons, Subahu and Mareecha. Her sons and husband delighted in destroying the landscape and its animals. Finally, this caught... (full context)
...Lakshmana begin shooting arrows at the asuras. Rama shoots Thataka's sons, killing Subahu and wounding Mareecha. The other demons leave in a panic, and Viswamithra thanks Rama for his help. Viswamithra... (full context)
5. The Grand Tormentor
...only values them for the formality, however, and soon leaves to speak with his uncle, Mareecha. Ravana explains that Rama mutilated Soorpanaka, and Mareecha advises Ravana to stay away from Rama.... (full context)
Mareecha begins to feel as though he's coming to the end of his life and his... (full context)
Near Rama's cottage, Mareecha assumes the shape of the golden deer and walks past the cottage. Sita notices it... (full context)
Rama worries that Sita heard Mareecha's false cry, but reasons that Lakshmana will assure her that it was a trick. Sita... (full context)