The Razor’s Edge

The Razor’s Edge


W. Somerset Maugham

Ellie is the daughter-in-law of Becker, who gives Larry and Kosti work on his farm. Ellie’s husband died during World War I, and she lives in Becker’s house with her children. One night, she sneaks into the barn and into Larry’s bed, but Larry thinks it is Frau Becker, who has expressed interest in Larry. After Larry has that unwanted sexual encounter with Ellie, he is worried about what might happen the next day. He then leaves in the middle of the night and eventually travels to Bonn.
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Ellie Character Timeline in The Razor’s Edge

The timeline below shows where the character Ellie appears in The Razor’s Edge. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3, Chapter 2 
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Social Norms and Conformity Theme Icon
...that it hadn’t been Frau Becker in the barn; it had been Becker’s widowed daughter-in-law, Ellie. Larry had no clue she had been interested in him. She was always talking about... (full context)