The Reader


Bernhard Schlink

Michael’s older brother Character Analysis

Like Michael’s other siblings, his brother also appears only rarely in the novel. Michael tells us that he shared a room with his brother and as young boys they often fought, either physically or verbally. Michael’s brother, who is older by three years, likes to complain about him and tries to get Michael in trouble.

Michael’s older brother Quotes in The Reader

The The Reader quotes below are all either spoken by Michael’s older brother or refer to Michael’s older brother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1, Chapter 7 Quotes

I felt as if we were sitting all together for the last time around the round table under the five-armed, five-candled brass chandelier, as if we were eating our last meal off the old plates with the green vine-leaf border, as if we would never talk to each other so intimately again. I felt as if I were saying goodbye. I was still there and already gone. I was homesick for my mother and father and my brother and sisters, and I longed to be with the woman.

Related Characters: Michael Berg (speaker), Hanna Schmitz (Frau Shmitz), Michael’s Father, Michael’s mother, Michael’s older sister, Michael’s older brother, Michael’s younger sister
Page Number: 31
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