The Red Convertible


Louise Erdrich

Lulu Lamartine Character Analysis

Lulu Lamartine is Henry and Lyman’s mother. She is not mentioned by name in the story, but she features prominently in other chapters of Love Medicine. She previously was courted by Moses Pillager, the only nearby doctor, and because of his jealousy they do not trust him to treat Henry. Like Lyman, she is worried about Henry, but she does not know what to do for him. She expresses distaste for the ways in which conditions like Henry’s (presumably PTSD) are suppressed with drugs instead of treated.

Lulu Lamartine Quotes in The Red Convertible

The The Red Convertible quotes below are all either spoken by Lulu Lamartine or refer to Lulu Lamartine. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Loss of Innocence Theme Icon
The Red Convertible Quotes

While Henry was not around we talked about what was going to happen to him. There were no Indian doctors on the reservation, and my mom couldn't come around to trusting the old man, Moses Pillager, because he courted her long ago and was jealous of her husbands. He might take revenge through her son. We were afraid that if we brought Henry to a regular hospital they would keep him. “They don't fix them in those places,” Mom said; “they just give them drugs.”

“We wouldn't get him there in the first place,” I agreed, “so let's just forget about it.”

Related Characters: Lyman Lamartine (speaker), Lulu Lamartine (speaker), Henry Lamartine
Page Number: 183
Explanation and Analysis:
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Lulu Lamartine Quotes in The Red Convertible

The The Red Convertible quotes below are all either spoken by Lulu Lamartine or refer to Lulu Lamartine. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Loss of Innocence Theme Icon
The Red Convertible Quotes

While Henry was not around we talked about what was going to happen to him. There were no Indian doctors on the reservation, and my mom couldn't come around to trusting the old man, Moses Pillager, because he courted her long ago and was jealous of her husbands. He might take revenge through her son. We were afraid that if we brought Henry to a regular hospital they would keep him. “They don't fix them in those places,” Mom said; “they just give them drugs.”

“We wouldn't get him there in the first place,” I agreed, “so let's just forget about it.”

Related Characters: Lyman Lamartine (speaker), Lulu Lamartine (speaker), Henry Lamartine
Page Number: 183
Explanation and Analysis: