The Return of the King


J. R. R. Tolkien

Beregond is a Guard of the Citadel in Minas Tirith, Bergil’s father, and Pippin’s friend. Beregond initially meets Pippin to provide him with the pass-words of the city, and the two become close friends over the next days after Beregond invites Pippin to dine with him. He plays a vital part in rescuing Faramir from Denethor’s reckless behavior, slaying the gatekeeper of the House of the Stewards where Denethor plans to burn himself alive with his son, and keeping other Guards from delivering the necessary wood and oil. His failure to follow orders would ordinarily lead to a death sentence, but due to Aragorn’s understanding and mercy, he is made Captain of the White Company and serves Faramir in Ithilien after the War of the Ring.
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Beregond Character Timeline in The Return of the King

The timeline below shows where the character Beregond appears in The Return of the King. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 5, Chapter 1 ensure his comfort. Pippin goes outside to look around the street. A man called Beregond walks up and greets him; he’s been sent to tell Pippin the pass-words of the... (full context)
Beregond and Pippin eat and talk, sharing stories of Gondor and the Shire. Beregond is surprised... (full context)
Pippin asks Beregond what it is he can see down at the curve of the river. Beregond tells... (full context)
...and complicated one, involving many parties, but though Gondor is only one part of many, Beregond feels that they must succeed in battle if there is to be any hope at... (full context)
Pippin and Beregond sit together in fear, but after a while, Pippin looks up to see the sun... (full context)
A bell rings to signal meal time, so Beregond takes Pippin to eat with the men of his company. The men are excited to... (full context)
...lowest level, a group of children runs towards him. One of the boys is Bergil, Beregond’s son. Pippin tells him Beregond sent him, and he asks Bergil to show him the... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 4 released from duty and goes to find food in the mess, where he meets Beregond again. The two sit outside together. Pippin feels that it’s been years since they talked... (full context)
Beregond wishes Faramir would return—he would not be as cowed by the shadow as the rest... (full context)
As Pippin searches for Gandalf, he runs into Beregond and tells him that Denethor has lost his grip on reality and is dangerous. He... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 7
...the House of the Stewards where Denethor is lighting his fire, they hear swords clashing: Beregond is fighting off Denethor’s guard.  (full context)
Denethor appears from the door that Beregond is guarding, holding a sword. Gandalf storms towards Denethor, casting the sword into the air.... (full context) right to end his son’s life, at which Denethor draws a knife on him. Beregond stands to Gandalf’s defense, which Denethor interprets as Gandalf having turned his men against him.... (full context)
Gandalf tells Denethor’s knights that their obedience would’ve led to Faramir’s death had Beregond not disobeyed his orders. He and Pippin take Faramir to the Houses of Healing. As... (full context)
As they reach the Houses of Healing, Gandalf, Pippin, and Beregond hear a piercing cry and see the sun breaking through the shadow. Though this brings... (full context)
...says that this explains the change in Denethor between leaving and returning to Faramir’s side. Beregond supports this theory with his description of the bright light in the high tower at... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 10
...if the day is ending. All hope seems to disappear. Pippin resigns himself to death. Beregond is struck down by a troll who leers down at Pippin. Pippin stabs upwards at... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 5
...fought under Sauron’s rule, and he releases the slaves of Mordor. He then comes to Beregond’s sentence. Because Beregond disobeyed his orders, he would have once been sentenced to death, but... (full context)