The Shawl


Louise Erdrich

Other man Character Analysis

The events in the story are set off by Aanakwad having an affair with this other man, who is not her husband. The affair produces an infant. Aanakwad cannot bear to care for the baby or attend to her other children because of her despair over not being with the other man, whom she loves. Eventually, Aanakwad’s husband sends for the other man’s uncle, and Aanakwad, her daughter, and the baby leave their home to go live with the other man.
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Other man Character Timeline in The Shawl

The timeline below shows where the character Other man appears in The Shawl. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Shawl
Inheritance, Reinterpretation, and Personal and Cultural Legacy Theme Icon
Communal Storytelling Theme Icon
...has two children (a nine-year-old daughter and a five-year-old son), but falls in love with another man who isn’t her husband and has a child by him. Aanakwad can’t bring herself to... (full context)
The U.S. Government, the Anishinaabeg, and the Consequences of Interference Theme Icon
The husband, aware that his Aanakwad is suffering because he is not this other man whom she loves, becomes afraid of her. The husband eventually realizes that this life is... (full context)
Inheritance, Reinterpretation, and Personal and Cultural Legacy Theme Icon
Communal Storytelling Theme Icon
...began to close in, and Aanakwad, in order to save herself, her baby, and her lover’s uncle, threw her daughter to the wolves. The son is stunned by this story, remembering... (full context)