The Silmarillion


J.R.R. Tolkien

Galadriel is the wife of Celeborn and the only daughter of Finarfin. Though she doesn’t care about the Silmarils, she follows Fëanor to Middle-earth to rule her own land. After learning magic and lore from Melian, she rules Lothlórien with the power of the ring Nenya. She’s one of the last remaining elves in Middle-earth during the Third Age and sits on the White Council with the other elf lords.
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Galadriel Character Timeline in The Silmarillion

The timeline below shows where the character Galadriel appears in The Silmarillion. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5. Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië
...lord of Gondolin, and Aredhel the White. Finarfin’s children are Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadriel, whose hair is as golden as Laurelin’s light. (full context)
Chapter 9. Of the Flight of the Noldor
...and Turgon speak against Fëanor, nearly leading to a fight, but Finarfin calms them down. Galadriel longs to rule her own land in Middle-earth, so she speaks in favor of leaving... (full context)
...yet weary, they refuse to return to Valinor in shame. Led by Fingolfin, Finrod, and Galadriel, they cross the Helcaraxë, where many of them die. (full context)
Chapter 13. Of the Return of the Noldor
...similar underground fortress, which he constructs in the Caverns of Narog, aided by the dwarves. Galadriel, who falls in love with a relative of Thingol’s named Celeborn, remains in Doriath and... (full context)
Chapter 15. Of the Noldor in Beleriand
Galadriel talks about Valinor with Melian often, but doesn’t usually discuss anything that happened after the... (full context)
At a feast, the sons of Finarfin gather with Galadriel, who asks why Finrod isn’t married yet. Finrod has a premonition that one day he’ll... (full context)
Chapter 17. Of the Coming of Men into the West
...declares that no man will ever enter Doriath. Melian says nothing to him but tells Galadriel that a man of Bëor’s house will come to Doriath, and history will remember him.... (full context)
Chapter 19. Of Beren and Lúthien
...of his father and his quest for Lúthien. Finrod realizes that, as he predicted to Galadriel, his oath to give aid to Barahir and his family will now lead to his... (full context)
Chapter 24. Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath the Teleri. Still, not all the elves are willing to leave Middle-earth. Círdan, Celeborn, Galadriel, Gil-galad, and Elrond remain. Though Elrond chooses the fate of the elves, his brother Elros... (full context)
Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age
...and few know where they’re hidden. Vilya is with Elrond in Rivendell, Nenya is with Galadriel in Lothlórien, and no one but Elrond, Galadriel, and Círdan know where Narya is. (full context)
...Sauron appears in Mirkwood, the Istari (wizards) also appear in Middle-earth. Only Círdan, Elrond, and Galadriel know the wizards come from the West, but rumors later spread that they’re sent by... (full context)
At that time the White Council—made of Gandalf, Saruman, Galadriel, Elrond, Círdan, and the other elven lords—is founded, with Saruman as its leader. Galadriel wants... (full context)