The Sum of Us


Heather McGhee

James M. Buchanan Character Analysis

James M. Buchanan was a Nobel Prize-winning economist who developed many of the ideas central to the modern conservative movement. He argued that government officials are always self-interested, the national education system should be privatized, government spending will make people lazy and dependent on handouts, and the majority of voters cannot be trusted to govern well. Nancy MacLean’s book Democracy in Chains focuses on his life and influence on the Koch brothers network.
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James M. Buchanan Character Timeline in The Sum of Us

The timeline below shows where the character James M. Buchanan appears in The Sum of Us. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6: Never a Real Democracy
...that drafted voter suppression laws for states like Ohio. After stumbling upon the right-wing economist James M. Buchanan ’s papers, historian Nancy MacLean wrote the book Democracy in Chains, which details how the... (full context)
...for those with property. But white supremacy helps them get there. Even in the 1950s, James M. Buchanan was advising Virginia about how to maintain school segregation. Today, the Koch network uses racism... (full context)