The Sum of Us


Heather McGhee

Medicaid expansion is the provision in the Affordable Care Act that allows states to offer Medicaid coverage to everyone making less than 133% of the federal poverty line (in 2020, around $30,000 for a three-person family). Even though the federal government pays almost the entire difference, several states (mostly in the South) have refused to expand Medicaid, leaving millions of their citizens uninsured. McGhee cites this as an example of how zero-sum thinking hurts everyone.

Medicaid Expansion Quotes in The Sum of Us

The The Sum of Us quotes below are all either spoken by Medicaid Expansion or refer to Medicaid Expansion. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 3 Quotes

“These folks are gonna come out of the woodwork like bugs.”

Related Characters: Barack Obama
Page Number: 59
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Medicaid Expansion Term Timeline in The Sum of Us

The timeline below shows where the term Medicaid Expansion appears in The Sum of Us. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: Going Without
Rural hospitals are closing fast around the U.S., particularly in states that rejected Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion option. For instance, rural health expert Don McBeath tells McGhee that uninsured people’s unpaid bills... (full context)
Political science research has found that states like Texas rejected Medicaid expansion largely because of zero-sum racist thinking: white voters think that Medicaid expansion will harm them,... (full context)
As Texas continues refusing to expand Medicaid , uninsured Texans continue dying of preventable and treatable conditions. An organizer named Ron Pollack... (full context)
Chapter 10: The Solidarity Dividend
...these kinds of stories—and then spent his term cutting taxes on the wealthy and refusing Medicaid expansion . (full context)
...for everyone else) and restricting immigrants’ access to welfare. Meanwhile, Governor LePage was busy vetoing Medicaid expansion five times (even though the vast majority of poor and uninsured people in Maine are... (full context)