The Sun Does Shine


Anthony Ray Hinton

Prosecutor Bob McGregor Character Analysis

One of the antagonists of the book, Bob McGregor is the racist prosecutor for the state of Alabama in Ray’s trial. McGregor states several times that he can tell Ray is guilty just from looking at him and that he an evil, cold-blooded killer. Throughout the trial, McGregor tries to manipulate evidence to show that Ray is guilty even though there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence that points to Ray’s innocence. For example, McGregor disallows a polygraph test that proves that Ray is innocent. Ray later learns that McGregor has a history of racial bias and that he’s friends with Ray’s defense lawyer, Sheldon Perhacs, raising the question of if the two men were conspiring together against Ray.

Prosecutor Bob McGregor Quotes in The Sun Does Shine

The The Sun Does Shine quotes below are all either spoken by Prosecutor Bob McGregor or refer to Prosecutor Bob McGregor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Hell, as far as the police and the prosecutor and the judge and even my own defense attorney were concerned, I was born guilty. Black, poor, without a father most of my life, one of ten children—it was actually pretty amazing I had made it to the age of twenty-nine without a noose around my neck. But justice is a funny thing, and in Alabama, justice isn’t blind. She knows the color of your skin, your education level, and how much money you have in the bank. I may not have had any money, but I had enough education to understand exactly how justice was working in this trial and exactly how it was going to turn out. The good old boys had traded in their white robes for black robes, but it was still a lynching.

Related Characters: Anthony Ray Hinton (speaker), Sheldon Perhacs, Prosecutor Bob McGregor, Judge Garrett
Page Number: 7
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Prosecutor Bob McGregor Quotes in The Sun Does Shine

The The Sun Does Shine quotes below are all either spoken by Prosecutor Bob McGregor or refer to Prosecutor Bob McGregor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Hell, as far as the police and the prosecutor and the judge and even my own defense attorney were concerned, I was born guilty. Black, poor, without a father most of my life, one of ten children—it was actually pretty amazing I had made it to the age of twenty-nine without a noose around my neck. But justice is a funny thing, and in Alabama, justice isn’t blind. She knows the color of your skin, your education level, and how much money you have in the bank. I may not have had any money, but I had enough education to understand exactly how justice was working in this trial and exactly how it was going to turn out. The good old boys had traded in their white robes for black robes, but it was still a lynching.

Related Characters: Anthony Ray Hinton (speaker), Sheldon Perhacs, Prosecutor Bob McGregor, Judge Garrett
Page Number: 7
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