The Taste of Watermelon


Borden Deal

Freddy Gray Character Analysis

Freddy Gray is one of the narrator’s new friends in the neighborhood. Along with J.D., the three teenage boys form a “bunch.” Their relationships to each other are still childish: they are “still young enough” that they need the bunch to feel secure, rather than acting independently as adults, and they are not able to communicate about the dynamics “under the surface” of their relationship. One of these dynamics is that the narrator is new to their rural community, having moved from town, so the two boys don’t totally trust him yet. Before the narrator steals the watermelon, Freddy Gray seems to be the unofficial leader of the group. He speaks with more authority than the others, and he is the first one to jump in the water when they go swimming. He is also the one to challenge the narrator to steal the watermelon. Afterwards, though, the narrator assumes leadership of the group, as he digs into the watermelon first and then graciously offers that the two others “help themselves” to his stolen prize. In this way, the narrator wins himself more belonging in the group by stealing the watermelon, although that belonging comes with the steep price of shared guilt for their actions.

Freddy Gray Quotes in The Taste of Watermelon

The The Taste of Watermelon quotes below are all either spoken by Freddy Gray or refer to Freddy Gray. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Taste of Watermelon Quotes

We gorged ourselves until we were heavy... We gazed with sated eyes at the leftover melon, still good meat peopled with a multitude of black seeds...

“There’s nothing we can do,” J.D. said. “I can just see us taking a piece of this melon home for the folks...”

We were depressed suddenly, it was such a waste, after all the struggle and the danger, that we could not eat every bite. I stood up, not looking at the two boys, not looking at the melon.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Freddy Gray, J.D.
Related Symbols: Watermelon
Page Number: 304
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Freddy Gray Quotes in The Taste of Watermelon

The The Taste of Watermelon quotes below are all either spoken by Freddy Gray or refer to Freddy Gray. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Taste of Watermelon Quotes

We gorged ourselves until we were heavy... We gazed with sated eyes at the leftover melon, still good meat peopled with a multitude of black seeds...

“There’s nothing we can do,” J.D. said. “I can just see us taking a piece of this melon home for the folks...”

We were depressed suddenly, it was such a waste, after all the struggle and the danger, that we could not eat every bite. I stood up, not looking at the two boys, not looking at the melon.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Freddy Gray, J.D.
Related Symbols: Watermelon
Page Number: 304
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