The Three Musketeers


Alexandre Dumas

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The Three Musketeers Characters


D’Artagnan is a young man from Gascony who leaves his childhood home for Paris to become a musketeer. D’Artagnan is handsome, intelligent, and brave, which makes him a perfect candidate for M. de Tréville’s… read analysis of D’Artagnan


Athos is a musketeer whose real name is Comte de la Fère. Despite his aristocratic origins, Athos obscures his identity and refuses to tell anyone about his past. Of the musketeers, Athos is the dourest… read analysis of Athos


Aramis is a musketeer whose real name is René d’Herblay. He is said to be an attractive man, although he largely avoids discussing women. Aramis is constantly torn between his life as a musketeer and… read analysis of Aramis


Porthos is a musketeer whose real name is M. du Vallon. Of the musketeers, Porthos is the most concerned with his looks; he dresses fancifully and orders his servant, Mousqueton, to do the same… read analysis of Porthos

Milady de Winter

Milady de Winter is an agent of the cardinal, as well as Athos’s former wife. As a young woman, she was branded with a fleur-de-lis because she stole sacred objects from a church. Later… read analysis of Milady de Winter
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Cardinal Richelieu

Cardinal Richelieu is the religious leader of France who wields enormous power. He is a cunning man who will go outside the bounds of traditional morality to get his way. However, he is not wholly… read analysis of Cardinal Richelieu

Lord de Winter

Lord de Winter is Milady’s brother-in-law. After fighting a duel with d’Artagnan, the two become friends and allies. D’Artagnan writes to Lord de Winter to warn him that Milady wants him and the… read analysis of Lord de Winter

King Louis XIII

King Louis XIII is the king of France. He is a jealous man who is difficult to please. Although the cardinal and M. de Tréville often try to manipulate him, the king is often more… read analysis of King Louis XIII

Queen Anne

Queen Anne is the wife of King Louis XIII. She is a lonely woman whom her husband treats harshly. Although she loves the Duke of Buckingham, she refuses to be with him because… read analysis of Queen Anne

The Duke of Buckingham

The Duke of Buckingham is the leader of England who is in love with Queen Anne. Although he is a handsome, charismatic, and generally kind man, he is also selfish and starts a war… read analysis of The Duke of Buckingham

Madame Bonacieux

Madame Bonacieux is one of the queen’s servants and d’Artagnan’s mistress. At the beginning of the novel, she remains loyal to her husband until Monsieur Bonacieux becomes an agent of the cardinalread analysis of Madame Bonacieux


Rochefort is one of the cardinal’s best men. D’Artagnan meets him at the beginning of the novel and challenges him to a duel, not realizing who he is. Although he is allied with the… read analysis of Rochefort

M. de Tréville

M. de Tréville is the leader of the musketeers and the cardinal’s rival He acts as a father figure for his men and does whatever he can to get them out of a bind… read analysis of M. de Tréville

John Felton

John Felton is one of Lord de Winter’s soldiers. Lord de Winter chooses him to guard Milady, thinking he is incorruptible. However, Milady manages to seduce Felton by playing off of his religious… read analysis of John Felton

Monsieur Bonacieux

Monsieur Bonacieux, a middle-aged merchant, is D'Artagnan's landlord and approaches D'Artagnan for help when he believes his wife, Madame Bonacieux, has been abducted. When he is arrested by Cardinal Richelieu's men for… read analysis of Monsieur Bonacieux
Minor Characters
Planchet is d’Artagnan’s servant. He is an intelligent man who deeply respects d’Artagnan and does his best to keep him safe.
Grimaud is Athos’s servant. Though loyal, Grimaud barely speaks.
Mousqueton is Porthos’s servant. He acts and dresses similar to his master.
Bazin is Aramis’s fiercely loyal servant. He is determined to ensure that Aramis becomes a member of the church.
Kitty is one of Milady’s servants who is in love with d’Artagnan. D’Artagnan knows Kitty loves him and uses her to get revenge on Milady.
The Executioner
The executioner is the brother of a man Milady drove to criminal behavior and eventually suicide. He wears a red cloak and carries out Milady’s death sentence.
D’Artagnan’s father
D’Artagnan’s father is a poor man with rich connections. He sends d’Artagnan off to join M. de Tréville’s musketeers because Tréville is an old friend, and he wants his son to make something of himself.
D’Artagnan’s mother
D’Artagnan’s mother is a kind woman who cares deeply for her son. Before he leaves home, she presents him with a potent healing salve.
Jussac is a prominent member of the cardinal’s guards. He and his men fight d’Artagnan and the three musketeers to stop them from dueling. D’Artagnan takes on Jussac, who is a talented swordsman, by himself and wins.
Monsieur Bernajoux
Monsieur Bernajoux is a talented swordsman who picks a fight with d’Artagnan and loses.
Monsieur de La Trémouille
Monsieur de La Trémouille is a relative of Monsieur Bernajoux. He witnesses the fight between Bernajoux and d’Artagnan and later reports on it to the king.
Monsieur des Essart
Monsieur des Essart is the leader of d’Artagnan’s company before he becomes a musketeer.
Madame de Chevreuse
Madame de Chevreuse is Queen Anne’s best friend, as well as Aramis’s lover. Early in the novel, the king has her sent away from Paris. Later, she regularly serves as the secret go-between for the musketeers and the queen.
Monsieur de Séquier
Monsieur de Séquier is one of the king’s righthand men. He gets put in charge of frisking the queen when the king suspects she is having an affair.
Comte de Wardes
Comte de Wardes is sent by the cardinal to thwart d’Artagnan’s trip to London to help the queen. Later, d’Artagnan impersonates the Comte to get revenge on Milady.
Madame Coquenard
Madame Coquenard is Porthos’s mistress. Although she can be stingy, Porthos gets her to help him when he’s in a financial bind.