The Tortilla Curtain


T. Coraghessan Boyle

Todd Sweet Character Analysis

A resident of Arroyo Blanco Estates. Delaney first sees Sweet at the community meeting to discuss the gate. Sweet is one of the only people who opposes the gate, saying: “It goes against my grain to live in a community that closes its streets to somebody just because they don’t have as fancy a car as mine or as big a house.” Later in the novel, Sweet campaigns against the building of the wall, and unsuccessfully tries to convince Delaney to work with him.
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Todd Sweet Character Timeline in The Tortilla Curtain

The timeline below shows where the character Todd Sweet appears in The Tortilla Curtain. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2, Chapter 6
...As Delaney is walking home, he runs into a man who introduces himself as Todd Sweet. Delaney recognizes the man as someone who spoke out against the gate at the community... (full context)
Sweet tells Delaney that he and his wife are trying to convince their neighbors to vote... (full context)