The Turning


Tim Winton

Erin is Jackie’s best friend in early high school. More attractive and more successful with boys, Erin nevertheless has a moralistic streak and ostracizes Jackie once she becomes Boner McPharlin’s moll. After high school, Erin goes to teacher’s college but later drops out, marries young, and starts a family. She and Jackie meet again on a bus, but Jackie quickly gets off to avoid conversation with her.
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Erin Character Timeline in The Turning

The timeline below shows where the character Erin appears in The Turning. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Boner McPharlin’s Moll
...about his exploits are ubiquitous. Jackie becomes enamored with him from afar; her best friend, Erin, does not approve. Boner’s misdeeds include a long list of elaborate pranks; he is also... (full context)
Two years pass, and Boner acquires his distinctive car, a garishly tricked-out van. Much to Erin’s chagrin, Jackie agrees to take a ride with him. While nothing sexual happens between them—Boner... (full context)
...or her old friends. Her parents visit her, not the other way around. Once, encountering Erin on a bus, she is anxious to escape her. Only after graduating does she travel... (full context)