The Turning


Tim Winton

The Old Man in Sam’s Patch Character Analysis

An elderly man who bears the physical attributes of a heavy drinker, the old man lives in the back of Sam’s Patch and takes care of it on the owner’s days off, as is the case when Vic finds him. He draws Vic a map showing him how to reach Bob’s house, and cryptically praises Bob, referring to him as “Honest Bob” and “Bob the Banker.”
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The Old Man in Sam’s Patch Character Timeline in The Turning

The timeline below shows where the character The Old Man in Sam’s Patch appears in The Turning. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Commission alcoholic, and Vic is nervous about interacting with him. At Sam’s Patch Vic asks an old man , visibly alcoholic, about his father, who the man calls “Honest Bob” and “Bob the... (full context)