The Two Towers


J.R.R. Tolkien

Treebeard Character Analysis

Treebeard is a 14-foot-tall treelike ent and one of the oldest creatures in Middle-earth. Wise and thoughtful, Treebeard assists Merry and Pippin when they flee into Fangorn forest, allowing them to stay in his house and bringing them to a great gathering where the ents decide to march to war against Saruman. Treebeard has a great concern for the environment and, though the ents are dying out, recognizes their potential power as he leads them to seize Isengard.

Treebeard Quotes in The Two Towers

The The Two Towers quotes below are all either spoken by Treebeard or refer to Treebeard. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 3, Chapter 4 Quotes

‘He was polite in those days, always asking my leave (at least when he met me); and always eager to listen. I told him many things that he would never have found out by himself; but he never repaid me in like kind. I cannot remember that he ever told me anything. And he got more and more like that; his face, as I remember it—I have not seen it for many a day—became like windows in a stone wall: windows with shutters inside.

‘I think that I now understand what he is up to. He is plotting to become a Power. He has a mind of metal and wheels; and he does not care for growing things, except as far as they serve him for the moment.’

Related Characters: Treebeard (speaker), Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck, Peregrin “Pippin” Took , Saruman
Page Number: 75-76
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‘Of course, it is likely enough, my friends,’ he said slowly, ‘likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Ents. But if we stayed at home and did nothing, doom would find us anyway, sooner or later. […] Now at least the last march of the Ents may be worth a song. Aye,’ he sighed, ‘we may help the other peoples before we pass away.’

Related Characters: Treebeard (speaker), Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck, Peregrin “Pippin” Took
Page Number: 92
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Treebeard Quotes in The Two Towers

The The Two Towers quotes below are all either spoken by Treebeard or refer to Treebeard. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 3, Chapter 4 Quotes

‘He was polite in those days, always asking my leave (at least when he met me); and always eager to listen. I told him many things that he would never have found out by himself; but he never repaid me in like kind. I cannot remember that he ever told me anything. And he got more and more like that; his face, as I remember it—I have not seen it for many a day—became like windows in a stone wall: windows with shutters inside.

‘I think that I now understand what he is up to. He is plotting to become a Power. He has a mind of metal and wheels; and he does not care for growing things, except as far as they serve him for the moment.’

Related Characters: Treebeard (speaker), Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck, Peregrin “Pippin” Took , Saruman
Page Number: 75-76
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‘Of course, it is likely enough, my friends,’ he said slowly, ‘likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Ents. But if we stayed at home and did nothing, doom would find us anyway, sooner or later. […] Now at least the last march of the Ents may be worth a song. Aye,’ he sighed, ‘we may help the other peoples before we pass away.’

Related Characters: Treebeard (speaker), Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck, Peregrin “Pippin” Took
Page Number: 92
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