The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The Unbearable Lightness of Being


Milan Kundera

The German Pop Star Character Analysis

A participant in the Grand March. The German pop star has written over 1,000 songs of peace, and he waves a white flag as he marches toward the Cambodian border. The German pop star is another example of kitsch in the novel. He treats the Grand March like a photo opportunity, rather than a protest to help the people of Cambodia, and everyone simply ignores this and marches on.
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The German Pop Star Character Timeline in The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The timeline below shows where the character The German Pop Star appears in The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 6, Chapter 17 walk the last few miles. At the front of the Grand March is a German pop star , who, incidentally, has written nearly 1,000 songs about peace. He carries a white flag,... (full context)
Part 6, Chapter 19
At the front of the line, the American actress begins to march next to the German pop star . An American photographer notices the photo opportunity and stands back, so he can get... (full context)
Part 6, Chapter 23 of four categories. The first group of people, like the American actress and the German pop star , require infinite eyes looking at them. The second group—to which Franz’s wife, Marie-Claude, and... (full context)