The Uninhabitable Earth


David Wallace-Wells

The Anthropocene is the 20th-century term that scientists and academics have given to our present geological era, which is defined by humankind’s “conquest” of the planet.

The Anthropocene Quotes in The Uninhabitable Earth

The The Uninhabitable Earth quotes below are all either spoken by The Anthropocene or refer to The Anthropocene. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part I, Cascades Quotes

But however sanguine you might be about the proposition that we have already ravaged the natural world, which we surely have, it is another thing entirely to consider the possibility that we have only provoked it, engineering first in ignorance and then in denial a climate system that will now go to war with us for many centuries, perhaps until it destroys us. […] You could [call the planet a] "war machine." Each day we arm it more.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 22-23
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Part III, Chapter 1: Storytelling Quotes

Global warming [shows us] that we didn't defeat the environment at all. There was no final conquest, no dominion established. In fact, the opposite: Whatever it means for the other animals on the planet, with global warming we have unwittingly claimed ownership of a system beyond our ability to control or tame in any day-to-day way. But more than that: with our continued activity, we have rendered that system only more out of control. Nature is both over, as in "past," and all around us, indeed overwhelming us and punishing us—this is the major lesson of climate change, which it teaches us almost daily.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 158
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The Anthropocene Term Timeline in The Uninhabitable Earth

The timeline below shows where the term The Anthropocene appears in The Uninhabitable Earth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part I, Cascades
The term “Anthropocene,” a name given to humanity’s present geologic era, is misleading: it implies that humanity has... (full context)
Part III, The Climate Kaleidoscope, Chapter 1: Storytelling
Sociologists and environmentalists refer to the current era as the “Anthropocene,” a term that suggests humans have so fully dominated the globe that weather, animal kingdoms,... (full context)
Part IV, The Anthropic Principle
This kind of thinking reframes the Anthropocene entirely. Humans may not be alone—and they likely aren’t the first intelligent life in the... (full context)