The Vegetarian


Han Kang

Plants Symbol Analysis

In contrast to meat, which represents violence, plants (mostly flowers and trees) come to represent Yeong-hye’s desire to lead an innocent life. After Yeong-hye throws out all of the meat in the house, she tries to live a more passive and gentle life. This is what leads her to want to model for the brother-in-law; the fact that he wants to paint her in flowers attract her, as she feels connected to the gentleness and innocence of that symbol. The irony of the flowers, however, is that the brother-in-law sees them as a symbol of sexuality, and he violates her innocence by having sex with her even when she cries and asks him to stop.

This incident is perhaps what leads Yeong-hye to want to become more like a tree, with its strength and passivity. This desire becomes embodied as she tries to act like a tree, and calls the trees “brothers and sisters.” The fact that Yeong-hye is never fully able to achieve the life of a plant, however, illuminates Han’s argument that human beings can never be truly innocent.

Plants Quotes in The Vegetarian

The The Vegetarian quotes below all refer to the symbol of Plants. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1: The Vegetarian Quotes

In that barn, what had I done? Pushed that red raw mass into my mouth, felt it squish against my gums, the roof of my mouth, slick with crimson blood.

Related Characters: Yeong-hye (speaker), Mr. Cheong
Related Symbols: Meat, Plants
Page Number: 18
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Can only trust my breasts now. I like my breasts, nothing can be killed by them. Hand, foot, tongue, gaze, all weapons from which nothing is safe. But not my breasts. With my round breasts, I’m okay. Still okay. So why do they keep on shrinking? Not even round anymore. Why? Why am I changing like this? Why are my edges all sharpening—what I am going to gouge?

Related Characters: Yeong-hye (speaker)
Related Symbols: Meat, Plants
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:

Though In-hye sprang at him and held him by the waist, in the instant that the force of the slap had knocked my wife's mouth open he'd managed to jam the pork in. As soon as the strength in Yeong-ho's arms was visibly exhausted, my wife growled and spat out the meat. An animal cry of distress burst from her lips.

Related Characters: Mr. Cheong (speaker), Yeong-hye, In-hye, Yeong-hye’s Father, Yeong-ho
Related Symbols: Meat, Plants
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2: Mongolian Mark Quotes

In precisely that moment he was struck by the image of a blue flower on a woman’s buttocks, its petals opening outward. In his mind, the fact that his sister-in-law still had a Mongolian mark on her buttocks became inexplicably bound up with the image of men and women having sex, their naked bodies completely covered with painted flowers. The causality linking these two things was so clear, so obvious, as to be somehow beyond comprehension, and thus it became etched into his mind.

Related Characters: Yeong-hye, In-hye, The Brother-in-Law / In-hye’s Husband
Related Symbols: Plants
Page Number: 65
Explanation and Analysis:

Seeing how utterly baffled he was, she laughed quietly. A melancholic laugh. “Didn’t I say you wouldn’t understand?”

He couldn’t ask: in that case, why did you use to bare your breasts to the sunlight, like some kind of mutant animal that had evolved to be able to photosynthesize? Was that because of a dream too?

Related Characters: Yeong-hye, The Brother-in-Law / In-hye’s Husband
Related Symbols: Plants
Page Number: 96
Explanation and Analysis:

She rubbed her neck against J’s like they were two birds caressing, almost as if she’d seen his sketches and knew exactly what he wanted her to do.

Related Characters: Yeong-hye, The Brother-in-Law / In-hye’s Husband, J
Related Symbols: Plants
Page Number: 108
Explanation and Analysis:

He stood up, stepped close to her and pushed her still-fevered body up against the wall. But when he pressed his lips firmly against hers, probing with his tongue, she shoved him away again.
“Why shouldn't we? Because I'm your brother-in-law?”
“No, it’s nothing to do with that.”
“Then why not? Come on, you said you were all wet!” She was silent. “Did you fancy that kid?”
“It wasn’t him, it was the flowers . . .”

Related Characters: Yeong-hye (speaker), The Brother-in-Law / In-hye’s Husband (speaker), In-hye, J
Related Symbols: Plants
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:

He held her at the waist and stroked the mark, wishing that he could share it with her, that it could be seared onto his skin like a brand. I want to swallow you, have you melt into me and flow through my veins.

“Will the dreams stop now?" she muttered, her voice barely audible.

“Dreams? Ah, the face…that's right, you said it was a face, no?” he said, feeling drowsiness slowly creep through his body. “What kind of face? Whose face?”

Related Characters: Yeong-hye (speaker), The Brother-in-Law / In-hye’s Husband (speaker)
Related Symbols: Plants
Page Number: 119-120
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3: Flaming Trees Quotes

Look, sister, I'm doing a handstand, leaves are growing out of my body, roots are sprouting out of my hands…they delve down into the earth. Endlessly, endlessly…yes, I spread my legs because I wanted flowers to bloom from my crotch, I spread them wide…

Related Characters: Yeong-hye (speaker), In-hye
Related Symbols: Plants
Page Number: 131
Explanation and Analysis:
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Plants Symbol Timeline in The Vegetarian

The timeline below shows where the symbol Plants appears in The Vegetarian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Mongolian Mark
...the performance: the poster presented men and women displaying their naked backs, covered in painted flowers—an image that he’s been obsessed with for over a year. But the performance hadn’t been... (full context)
...and opens his sketchbook, which is filled with images of naked bodies brilliantly decorated with flowers, having sex. He notes that the images aren’t provocative like pornography; their bodies have “a... (full context)
...has it. In that moment, the brother-in-law was struck by the image of a blue flower on a woman’s buttocks. He began to draw a man with his arms around a... (full context)
...for him. He tells her she’ll have to take her clothes off, and he’ll paint flowers on her body. He watches as her eyes flicker at what he is saying. He... (full context) hue is “more vegetal than sexual.” He films as he paints red and orange flowers along her body. (full context)
...the brother-in-law resumes painting, this time on Yeong-hye’s front. He paints huge yellow and white flowers on her breasts, orange lilies on her stomach, and golden petals over her thighs. He... (full context)
...the model. J arrives at the studio, quite nervous, and Yeong-hye returns, still covered in flowers. The brother-in-law paints J, first in purple hydrangeas on his back, then on his front,... (full context)
...he asks why, she says that she only wanted to do it because of the flowers on J’s body. The brother-in-law asks if she would have sex with him if he... (full context)
...meets up with P and explains what he wants, showing her his sketches. P paints flowers along his whole body. When she finishes, she gives him a quick kiss goodbye. The... (full context)
...minutes. Yeong-hye turns on the light so she can see him, and starts stroking the flowers on his chest. The brother-in-law pulls away, then sets up the lighting and the camcorder.... (full context)
...three floors down, but he is “rooted to the spot,” staring only at “the blazing flower that was her body.” (full context)
Chapter 3: Flaming Trees
...standing “stock-still and soaked with rain as if she herself were one of the glistening trees.”  (full context)
...she does so, she has a vision of Yeong-hye drenched in rain, standing among the trees. When she finally feels Ji-woo’s forehead has cooled, she curls up on the couch to... (full context)
In-hye arrives at the hospital, noticing an old tree in the front garden that glinted on sunny days. She closes her eyes and sees... (full context)
...when she visited the ward for the first time, she had been excited by the trees all around the ward and remarked to In-hye that “all the trees of the world... (full context)
...water, not food. She also tells her sister that in a dream, she discovered that trees stand upside-down, with their arms in the earth. (full context)
...all she needs is sunlight. In-hye asks Yeong-hye if she really thinks she’s become a tree, and asks how a tree could talk. Yeong-hye smiles and agrees, saying soon her thoughts... (full context) please her. But when she is alone, she imagines Yeong-hye, the forest, and the trees, wishing that they would call to her and “take her life from her.” (full context)
...wake up at some point, don’t we?” She looks out the ambulance window, where the trees are glinting in the sunlight. She looks at them “As if waiting for an answer.... (full context)