The Wealth of Nations

The Wealth of Nations


Adam Smith

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Capitation Taxes Term Analysis

Capitation taxes, also called poll taxes, are taxes periodically levied on everyone in society. Today, the term generally implies that everyone pays the same amount, but in Smith’s time, yearly taxes proportioned to wealth, rank, or income were also considered capitation taxes.
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Capitation Taxes Term Timeline in The Wealth of Nations

The timeline below shows where the term Capitation Taxes appears in The Wealth of Nations. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 5, Chapter 2
Institutions and Good Governance Theme Icon is intended, should fall indifferently upon every different Species of Revenue.” People must pay capitation tax es (yearly taxes assessed on every person) and taxes on consumable commodities with whatever revenue... (full context)
Institutions and Good Governance Theme Icon
Capitation Taxes .” Assessing people’s wealth and income is difficult and invasive, so proportional capitation taxes are... (full context)
Institutions and Good Governance Theme Icon
Mercantilism and Free Trade Theme Icon
France should replace its unfair land tax (taille) and capitation tax with more revenue taxes (vingtièmes), particularly on the rich. It should unify its customs and... (full context)