The Westing Game


Ellen Raskin

Flora Baumbach Character Analysis

Flora is a plump, kindly dressmaker who is one of Sam Westing’s 16 potential heirs. She is paired with the whip-smart but bratty Turtle Wexler; Flora is also in the process of making a wedding gown for Turtle sister, Angela. Flora is amused (and confused) by Turtle’s laser-sharp focus on winning the game by playing the stock market, and though she doesn’t always understand what Turtle’s master plan is, she proves a loyal and devoted partner who’s willing to do anything to win. Flora and Turtle grow extremely close over the course of the Westing game, and the patient, generous Flora even becomes a kind of mother or grandmother figure to Turtle, who begins calling her Baba. Flora, who lost her developmentally disabled daughter Rosalie to pneumonia just a year ago, fights through her grief to be there for Turtle. Gregarious, loving, and kind, Flora helps teach Turtle to be more patient with the people around her—and Turtle helps teach Flora to be a bit more shrewd and invested in her own success.

Flora Baumbach Quotes in The Westing Game

The The Westing Game quotes below are all either spoken by Flora Baumbach or refer to Flora Baumbach. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Who were these people, these specially selected tenants? They were mothers and fathers and children. A dressmaker, a secretary, an inventor, a doctor, a judge. And, oh yes, one was a bookie, one was a burglar, one was a bomber, and one was a mistake.

Related Characters: Angela Wexler, Jake Wexler, Judge Josie-Jo “J.J.” Ford, James Shin Hoo, Madame Sun Lin Hoo, Sydelle Pulaski, Flora Baumbach, Barney Northrup
Related Symbols: The Four Bombs
Page Number: 5
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Chapter 5 Quotes

"Itsss-oo-nn," Chris announced.

"What did he say?"

"He said it's snowing," Theo and Flora Baumbach explained at the same time.

The heirs watched helplessly as the invalid's thin frame was suddenly torn and twisted by convulsions. Only the dressmaker rushed to his side. "I know, I know," she simpered, "you were trying to tell us about the itsy-bitsy snowflings."

Theo moved her away. "My brother is not an infant, and he's not retarded, so please, no more baby talk."

Blinking away tears, Flora Baumbach returned to her seat, the elfin smile still painted on her pained face.

Some stared at the afflicted child with morbid fascination, but most turned away. They didn't want to see.

Related Characters: Christos “Chris” Theodorakis (speaker), Theo Theodorakis (speaker), Flora Baumbach (speaker), Samuel W. Westing
Page Number: 24
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Chapter 30 Quotes

Veiled in black, she hurried from the funeral services. It was Saturday and she had an important engagement. Angela brought her daughter, Alice, to the Wexler-Theodorakis mansion to spend Saturday afternoons with her aunt.

There she was, waiting for her in the library. Baba had tied red ribbons in the one long pigtail down her back.

"Hi there, Alice," T. R. Wexler said. "Ready for a game of chess?"

Related Characters: Tabitha-Ruth “Turtle” Wexler (speaker), Samuel W. Westing, Angela Wexler, Theo Theodorakis, Flora Baumbach, Alice
Page Number: 182
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Flora Baumbach Quotes in The Westing Game

The The Westing Game quotes below are all either spoken by Flora Baumbach or refer to Flora Baumbach. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Who were these people, these specially selected tenants? They were mothers and fathers and children. A dressmaker, a secretary, an inventor, a doctor, a judge. And, oh yes, one was a bookie, one was a burglar, one was a bomber, and one was a mistake.

Related Characters: Angela Wexler, Jake Wexler, Judge Josie-Jo “J.J.” Ford, James Shin Hoo, Madame Sun Lin Hoo, Sydelle Pulaski, Flora Baumbach, Barney Northrup
Related Symbols: The Four Bombs
Page Number: 5
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Chapter 5 Quotes

"Itsss-oo-nn," Chris announced.

"What did he say?"

"He said it's snowing," Theo and Flora Baumbach explained at the same time.

The heirs watched helplessly as the invalid's thin frame was suddenly torn and twisted by convulsions. Only the dressmaker rushed to his side. "I know, I know," she simpered, "you were trying to tell us about the itsy-bitsy snowflings."

Theo moved her away. "My brother is not an infant, and he's not retarded, so please, no more baby talk."

Blinking away tears, Flora Baumbach returned to her seat, the elfin smile still painted on her pained face.

Some stared at the afflicted child with morbid fascination, but most turned away. They didn't want to see.

Related Characters: Christos “Chris” Theodorakis (speaker), Theo Theodorakis (speaker), Flora Baumbach (speaker), Samuel W. Westing
Page Number: 24
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Chapter 30 Quotes

Veiled in black, she hurried from the funeral services. It was Saturday and she had an important engagement. Angela brought her daughter, Alice, to the Wexler-Theodorakis mansion to spend Saturday afternoons with her aunt.

There she was, waiting for her in the library. Baba had tied red ribbons in the one long pigtail down her back.

"Hi there, Alice," T. R. Wexler said. "Ready for a game of chess?"

Related Characters: Tabitha-Ruth “Turtle” Wexler (speaker), Samuel W. Westing, Angela Wexler, Theo Theodorakis, Flora Baumbach, Alice
Page Number: 182
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