The White Tiger


Aravind Adiga

Pinky Madam Character Analysis

Ashok’s beautiful, Americanized wife. Pinky is a demanding, critical and cruel mistress to Balram. She is unhappy in India and eager to return to the US, which puts a strain on her marriage to Ashok. After killing a young child in a hit- and-run accident, Pinky, because she is rich, is able to evade any legal complications and flies back to America and abruptly ends her marriage.

Pinky Madam Quotes in The White Tiger

The The White Tiger quotes below are all either spoken by Pinky Madam or refer to Pinky Madam. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4: The Fourth Night Quotes

“We’re driving past Ghandi, after just having given a bribe to a minister. It’s a fucking joke, isn’t it.”

Related Characters: Mr. Ashok (speaker), Pinky Madam
Page Number: 115
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Pinky Madam Quotes in The White Tiger

The The White Tiger quotes below are all either spoken by Pinky Madam or refer to Pinky Madam. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4: The Fourth Night Quotes

“We’re driving past Ghandi, after just having given a bribe to a minister. It’s a fucking joke, isn’t it.”

Related Characters: Mr. Ashok (speaker), Pinky Madam
Page Number: 115
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