The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz


L. Frank Baum

The Wizard of Oz: Chapter 1: The Cyclone Quiz 3 questions

Test your knowledge of Chapter 1: The Cyclone. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
How does Dorothy perceive her life on the farm at the beginning of the novel?
1 of 3
She finds it difficult and wants to leave
She is indifferent to her surroundings
She feels happy and fulfilled
She often complains about the monotony of prairie life
What action does Dorothy take when the cyclone approaches?
2 of 3
She immediately follows Aunt Em into the cyclone shelter
She runs outside to help Uncle Henry with the animals
She hides under the bed with Toto
She rescues Toto before trying to reach the shelter
How does Dorothy's behavior during the cyclone reflect her character?
3 of 3
She panics and becomes unable to act
She displays bravery and acceptance of her situation
She tries to escape from the cyclone by jumping out of the house
She becomes angry and resentful towards her circumstances