There’s Someone Inside Your House


Stephanie Perkins

Katie Kurtzman Character Analysis

Katie Kurtzman is one of David Ware’s victims. She’s a star student and president of Osborne High’s student council. She’s also a perfectionist to a fault—her mother, a nurse, suspects that Katie has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Inwardly, Katie acknowledges that her mother is probably correct, though she’s too ashamed to admit it out loud. On the night of her murder, Katie is working tirelessly on college applications—she’s determined to go to school as far away from Osborne as possible. David Ward resents Katie for having the privilege to leave Osborne, so he kills her, removes her heart, and places it on a stack of college brochures to mock her ambition.
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Katie Kurtzman Character Timeline in There’s Someone Inside Your House

The timeline below shows where the character Katie Kurtzman appears in There’s Someone Inside Your House. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 21
Alienation  Theme Icon
Meanwhile, Zachary walks through the procession. Katie Kurtzman, the pretty girl from earlier, walks in front of him. Not only is she... (full context)
Guilt, Shame, and Redemption  Theme Icon
Gossip vs. Communication Theme Icon
When Zachary senses Katie’s not interested, he says “fuck you,” loudly. Maybe Katie isn’t as nice as he thought.... (full context)
Chapter 23
Inner Change  Theme Icon
Katie Kurtzman is doing laundry and staring at an empty can of tuna fish on the... (full context)
Guilt, Shame, and Redemption  Theme Icon
Alienation  Theme Icon
Gossip vs. Communication Theme Icon
Inner Change  Theme Icon
After Katie’s mom leaves for work, Katie goes into the bathroom and discovers that all the toiletries... (full context)
Alienation  Theme Icon
Inner Change  Theme Icon
The evening passes without any additional oddities. Katie tucks the twins into bed and heads downstairs to work on her University of Southern... (full context)
Chapter 24
Inner Change  Theme Icon
...David’s angle is. Chris returns and tells Ollie and Makani that David has just killed Katie Kurtzman. Chris has to return to work, so he drives Ollie and Makani to the... (full context)
Inner Change  Theme Icon
On the way to the hospital, Makani remembers something: Katie Kurtzman had texted her this morning wanting to talk. Makani had thought it was odd,... (full context)