They Both Die at the End

They Both Die at the End


Adam Silvera

Mateo Torrez Character Analysis

Mateo is one of the novel’s protagonists; he’s an 18-year-old Puerto Rican teen. Mateo suffers from anxiety and keeps to himself as much as possible. He only has two real friends: Dad (who has been in a coma for two weeks) and his best friend, Lidia. Mateo spends much of his time on the blog CountDowners. He feels that he can do good by being there virtually for people on their last days. However, when Mateo receives his own call from Death-Cast, he realizes that connecting with people online isn’t enough—he has to connect in person while he still has the chance. This leads him to join the app Last Friend and to connect with Rufus, as he doesn’t want to burden Lidia with the news that he’s dying. Mateo is initially suspicious of Rufus—he views Rufus simply as a way for him to break out of his shell and become the person he’s always wanted to be. Inside, Mateo wants to be a fun-loving and carefree person, and with Rufus’s help, Mateo begins to be that person in real life. He starts to take risks and trust others, and he learns that playing it safe isn’t always the best way to go. As the day wears on, Mateo becomes increasingly braver—he finally agrees to ride on the back of Rufus’s bike, and he even willingly leaps off a 20-foot cliff into a pool at the Travel Arena. Throughout the day, Mateo holds onto a secret about himself that he only reveals after he finally sings in front of a crowd: he’s gay, and over the course of the day, he’s fallen in love with Rufus. Mateo desperately wants to come out to Dad before he dies, but he never gets the chance. Ultimately, Mateo always thinks of others before he thinks of himself. This is why he insists on burying a dead bird he finds, and his generosity ends up killing him—he dies when his stove explodes while he’s trying to make tea for himself and Rufus. Rufus believes that Mateo died having become the person he wanted to be: he was open and carefree, and he fell in love.

Mateo Torrez Quotes in They Both Die at the End

The They Both Die at the End quotes below are all either spoken by Mateo Torrez or refer to Mateo Torrez. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
September 5, 2017: Mateo Torrez, 12:22 a.m. Quotes

Fast-forward five years when Death-Cast came into the picture and suddenly everyone was awake at their own funerals. Having the chance to say goodbye before you die is an incredible opportunity, but isn’t that time better spent actually living? Maybe I would feel differently if I could count on people showing up to my funeral. If I had more friends than I do fingers.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Lidia, Dad
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:

The number one person I’ll miss the most is Future Mateo, who maybe loosened up and lived.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker)
Page Number: 9
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Mateo, 1:52 a.m. Quotes

But I was wrong, go figure. This is exactly the person I always wanted to be—loose, fun, carefree. No one will look at this photo and think it was out of character, because none of these people know me, and their only expectations of me are to be the person I’m presenting myself as in my profile.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio
Related Symbols: Photos
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 3:14 a.m. Quotes

Rufus E. (3:19 a.m.): Hey, Mateo. Nice hat.

He not only responded, but he likes my Luigi hat from my profile picture. He’s already connecting to the person I want to become.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio (speaker), Lidia
Related Symbols: Photos
Page Number: 74
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 4:26 a.m. Quotes

But I wasn’t honest with Rufus because, on a deep level, I do believe partying on the train is my kind of scene. It’s just that the fear of disappointing others or making a fool of myself always wins.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio, Lidia
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 4:58 a.m. Quotes

“I think we made his day by not pretending he’s invisible.”

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio, The Homeless Man
Page Number: 126
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 6:14 a.m. Quotes

This is Penny’s beginning. And one day she’ll find herself on the terrible end of a Death-Cast call and it sucks how we’re all being raised to die. Yes, we live, or we’re given the chance to, at least, but sometimes living is hard and complicated because of fear.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Lidia, Penny
Page Number: 150
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 7:22 a.m. Quotes

I believe him. He’s not monstrous. Monsters don’t come to your home to help you live; they trap you in your bed and eat you alive. “People make mistakes,” I say.

“And my friends are the ones being punished,” Rufus says. “Their last memory of me will be running out the back door from my own funeral because the cops were coming for me. I left them behind... I’ve spent the last four months feeling abandoned by my family dying, and in a split second I did the same damn thing to my new family.”

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio (speaker), Aimee Dubois, Malcolm Anthony, Peck/Patrick Gavin, Tagoe Hayes, Vin Pearce, Rufus’s Parents, Olivia
Page Number: 173
Explanation and Analysis:
Rufus, 7:53 a.m. Quotes

I don’t know if he’s playing it off like he doesn’t know this from my Last Friend profile or if he’s impacted by this piece of history between me and my sister or if he overlooked this on my profile and is some ass who cares about who other people kiss. I hope not. We’re friends now, hands down, and it’s not forced. I met this kid a few years ago because some creative designer somewhere developed an app to forge connections. I’d hate to disconnect.

Related Characters: Rufus Emeterio (speaker), Mateo Torrez, Dalma Young, Olivia
Page Number: 176
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 11:32 a.m. Quotes

“I think we’re already dead, dude. Not everyone, just Deckers. The whole Death-Cast thing seems too fantasy to be true. Knowing when our last day is going down so we can live it right: Straight-up fantasy. The first afterlife kicks off when Death-Cast tells us to live out our day knowing it’s our last; that way we’ll take full advantage of it, thinking we’re still alive. Then we enter the next and final afterlife without any regrets.”

Related Characters: Rufus Emeterio (speaker), Mateo Torrez, Andrea Donahue
Page Number: 214
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 12:22 p.m. Quotes

Twelve hours ago I received the phone call telling me I’m going to die today. In my own Mateo way, I’ve said tons of goodbyes already [...] but the most important goodbye is the one I said to Past Mateo, who I left behind at home when my Last Friend accompanied me into a world that has it out for us. Rufus has done so much for me and I’m here to help him confront any demons following him [...]

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio, Lidia, Dad, Mateo’s Mom
Page Number: 227
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 12:58 p.m. Quotes

I buy the mystery book and the postcards, thank Joel for his help, and we leave. Rufus said the key to his relationships was speaking up. I can do this with the postcards, but I have to use my voice, too.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio, Joel
Page Number: 239
Explanation and Analysis:
Deirdre Clayton, 1:50 p.m. Quotes

Deirdre reaches deep within herself, far past the place where lies and hopelessness come easily, and even beneath the very honest truth where she’s okay with the impacting the relief that comes with flying off this roof. She sees two boys living and this makes her feel less dead inside.

Intent may not be enough to cause her to actually die, she knows this from the countless other mornings when she’s woken up to ugliness, but when faced with the chance to prove Death-Cast wrong, Deirdre makes the right decision and lives.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez, Rufus Emeterio, Deirdre
Page Number: 248
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 3:26 p.m. Quotes

“Welcome to the World Travel Arena. Sorry to lose you three.”

“I’m not dying,” Lidia corrects.

“Oh. Cost for guests is going to be one hundred dollars,” the teller says. He looks at me and Rufus. “Suggested donation is one dollar for Deckers.”

I pay for all our tickets, donating an extra couple hundred dollars in the hope that the arena remains open for many, many years.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Lidia (speaker), Rufus Emeterio, Victor, Deirdre
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 5:14 p.m. Quotes

“I know there’s no time to waste, but I had to be sure you are who I thought you were. The best thing about dying is your friendship.” I never thought I would find someone I could say words like this to.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio, Dad, Mateo’s Mom
Related Symbols: Mateo’s Birth
Page Number: 308
Explanation and Analysis:
Howie Maldonado, 5:23 p.m. Quotes

“What would’ve made you happy?” Delilah asks.

Love comes to mind, immediately, and it surprises him like a lightning bolt on a day with clear forecasts. Howie never felt lonely, because he could go online at any moment and find himself flooded with messages. But affection from millions and intimacy from that one special person are completely different beasts.

Related Characters: Delilah Gray (speaker), Mateo Torrez, Howie Maldonado, Sandy Guerrero
Page Number: 313
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 5:48 p.m. Quotes

“What am I going to do without you?”

This loaded question is the reason I didn’t want anyone to know I was dying. There are questions I can’t answer. I cannot tell you how you will survive without me. I cannot tell you how to mourn me. I cannot convince you to not feel guilty if you forget the anniversary of my death, or if you realize days or weeks or months have gone by without thinking about me.

I just want you to live.

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Lidia (speaker)
Page Number: 322-23
Explanation and Analysis:
Mateo, 7:34 p.m. Quotes

“I always wanted to stumble into someone like you and it sucks that I had to find you through a stupid app.”

“I like the Last Friend app. [...] I think the app puts you out there more than anything else. For me, it meant admitting I was lonely and wanted to connect with someone.”

Related Characters: Mateo Torrez (speaker), Rufus Emeterio (speaker)
Page Number: 340
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mateo Torrez Character Timeline in They Both Die at the End

The timeline below shows where the character Mateo Torrez appears in They Both Die at the End. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
September 5, 2017: Mateo Torrez, 12:22 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Death-Cast is calling Mateo. His phone rings with the distinctive alert, and Mateo feels like a skydiver. A minute... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Mateo thinks that he always expected his herald would be more sympathetic. Andrea sounds bored as... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo takes a shower to clear his head of confusing “Mateo Thoughts.” He decides to tell... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
It’s almost one a.m. Normally, Mateo would be playing video games and going to school exhausted. Now, he wishes he’d taken... (full context)
Mateo, 1:06 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Mateo leaps into bed and feels immediate relief. He returns to reading the CountDowner’s post. The... (full context)
Mateo, 1:32 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
CountDowners is depressing, but Mateo thinks that he has to pay attention. It’s his responsibility to be here for others,... (full context)
Mateo, 1:52 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo is done cleaning, and he tries to come up with the inscription for his headstone.... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Mateo decides the app would be good for him, though he can’t decide how sad it... (full context)
Mateo, 2:02 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
There are 42 local Last Friend users online. Mateo receives a message from Wendy Mae, a girl who just wants to console Deckers. He... (full context)
Mateo, 2:52 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Mateo feels vindicated for living his life alone; everyone on the Last Friend app is horrible.... (full context)
Mateo, 3:14 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Mateo adjusts his settings so only 16 to 18-year-olds can contact him. He gets a message... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo feels exposed and a bit threatened. Rufus apologizes for the video chat; he just wants... (full context)
Rufus, 3:31 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
As Rufus bikes to Mateo’s apartment, he hopes that Mateo isn’t a serial killer. He thinks that this thought is... (full context)
Mateo, 3:42 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Mateo stops pacing when he hears a knock at the door—he hopes that it’s actually Rufus... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo looks around, thinking that everything looks different now. Rufus grabs his bike and says they... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Mateo spots a dead bird. He says they have to get it out of the street—he... (full context)
Rufus, 4:09 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Rufus thinks that Mateo is too good, and he vows to take what he did to Peck to the... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
...of college kids celebrating that they didn’t get the Death-Cast call. Rufus tries to drag Mateo onto the car, but Mateo darts into the empty car ahead. Rufus decides to not... (full context)
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Once Mateo understands that Rufus is genuinely curious, he talks quickly and excitedly about robots that can... (full context)
Mateo, 4:26 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Mateo thinks he’s failing to break out. On one hand, he doesn’t want to be around... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo struggles up the stairs. From a few flights above, Rufus calls down that Mateo has... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Elizabeth, Dad’s nurse, enters and assures Mateo that Dad is in good hands. Mateo knows he has to say goodbye and says... (full context)
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo asks for 10 more minutes alone. He takes Dad’s hand and says it’s his turn... (full context)
Rufus, 4:46 a.m.
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Rufus thinks he’s going to have to knock Mateo out to get him out of the hospital; that’s what someone would’ve had to do... (full context)
Mateo, 4:58 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
It’s not too late to run back to Dad, but Mateo doesn’t want to put people at the hospital at risk. He wants to listen to... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo shares that when he was in fifth grade, a guy asked for a dollar, punched... (full context)
Mateo, 5:20 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Mateo withdraws $400 out of an ATM and puts it in an envelope for Lidia. He... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...but then admits that her favorite meal is the grilled chicken salad. Rufus orders that. Mateo asks for Rufus’s usual. They hear Rae tell the chef to put their table first,... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...returns with their food and says that if they need anything, to yell for her. Mateo sizes up his French toast, which reminds him of Dad. He offers some to Rufus,... (full context)
Rufus, 5:53 a.m.
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
...meal with the Plutos. At the very least, they could text him back. He tosses Mateo his helmet and tells him to stand on his bike’s back pegs; Tagoe always did... (full context)
Mateo, 6:14 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo feels like the worst Last Friend ever and says that this is going to be... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Mateo calls Lidia. She’s awake and agrees that Mateo can visit. Rufus stays downstairs to call... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo sits with Penny and thinks that this is Penny’s beginning, but one day, Death-Cast will... (full context)
Rufus, 6:48 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
...happened at his funeral. He refuses to set up a CountDowners profile, but he allows Mateo to look through his Instagram. It makes Rufus feel exposed. Mateo asks why all the... (full context)
 Rufus, 7:12 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Mateo and Rufus get the same notification that there’s a Make-A-Moment location nearby. Mateo explains that... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Aimee is shocked that Rufus is alive, seems dazed when Rufus introduces Mateo, and says that things got crazy after Rufus left. She explains that Malcolm and Tagoe... (full context)
Mateo, 7:22 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo races away from Rufus, figuring it’s better to die alone after living alone. He doesn’t... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
The boys sit on the sculpture. Mateo thinks that Rufus is awkward and silent in the same way that people were when... (full context)
Rufus, 7:53 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Mateo tells Rufus he doesn’t have to continue, but Rufus continues the story. Olivia wanted to... (full context)
Mateo, 8:32 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
A young black woman whose nametag reads “Deirdre” welcomes Mateo and Rufus and offers them a binder of experiences: skydiving, zip-lining, windsurfing, and more. Mateo... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
In their room, Mateo and Rufus get dressed in harnesses and ask their instructor, Madeline, to take their photo.... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
After the experience, Madeline helps them out of their gear. As Mateo and Rufus pass Deirdre, Rufus suggests that they should’ve waited to swim with sharks, and... (full context)
Rufus, 9:41 a.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Under a highway, Rufus and Mateo stumble across abandoned payphones in a ditch. Mateo tries to protest, but he follows Rufus... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Mateo apologizes for “hijacking” Rufus’s moment, but Rufus says it’s fine—he’s not interested in talking about... (full context)
Mateo 10:12 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
As Rufus rides his bike beside Mateo, Mateo says he has one idea: he’d like to go visit his mom’s grave. Rufus... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo’s heart is pounding, but he aimlessly puts bricks together. Rufus asks where Mateo wanted to... (full context)
Rufus, 10:39 a.m.
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Rufus knows it sounds creepy, but he has to take a photo of Mateo sleeping. He thinks being on a train with a kid who’s holding a Lego house,... (full context)
Mateo, 10:42 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo isn’t on the mountain anymore—he’s on the train. He tells Rufus that he was skiing... (full context)
Mateo, 11:32 a.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo hasn’t been to the cemetery since he was 12, so he doesn’t know the fastest... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo stops dead. They’re almost to his mom’s grave, and next to it, a man is... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo kneels in front of his mother’s headstone and asks if she’s excited to meet him.... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Mateo and Rufus talk about their different experiences in Althea Park: it’s where Dad taught Mateo... (full context)
Mateo, 12:22 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo tells the reader that 12 hours ago, he received the call saying he’s going to... (full context)
Rufus, 12:35 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Rufus is ready for anything as he follows Mateo; he got a power nap on the train. They decide that if they’re still alive... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo reminds Rufus that Death-Cast is never wrong, but Rufus continues to list what he could’ve... (full context)
Mateo, 12:58 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Mateo and Rufus pass a bookstore, and Mateo thinks he needs some books after seeing a... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Mateo grabs a dozen postcards and one of the wrapped mystery books, and Joel checks him... (full context)
Rufus, 1:14 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
...need to start identifying themselves so they can avoid being in large groups. He and Mateo could’ve died. Rufus knows now that although he thought he made peace with the fact... (full context)
Mateo, 1:28 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
The firefighters manage to put the fire out. Mateo is hungry, but he doesn’t feel like he can waste his End Day eating when... (full context)
Rufus, 1:46 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
...ride—he rode after Olivia and his parents died, and when Aimee broke up with him. Mateo and Rufus argue about whether it’s safe. Rufus insists that he has to ride but... (full context)
Mateo, 1:52 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...Rufus dodges deliverymen who are looking up instead of paying attention to their couch, and Mateo feels free as the bike picks up speed. This is more exciting than skydiving at... (full context)
Rufus, 2:12 p.m.
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
As Rufus slows down and pulls into Althea Park, Mateo loosens his grip. Rufus stops, startled, and sees Mateo looking thrilled with himself—he jumped off.... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
...into the river at times, and he’s angry that he’s going to miss so much. Mateo confirms that Rufus isn’t going to commit suicide, and the boys try to get each... (full context)
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo and Rufus decide to swing, and Rufus snaps more photos. Mateo asks if Rufus is... (full context)
Mateo, 2:34 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
It starts to rain again, so Mateo and Rufus hide under a pet store awning and look at puppies as they decide... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Rufus and Mateo continue the game. They make up stories for a rain-soaked businessman, a woman with a... (full context)
Zoe Landon, 2:57 p.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
...NYU and was feeling lonely, but she turned to the Last Friend app. She messaged Mateo first but then found Gabriella. Zoe and Gabriella avoid two boys as they hop on... (full context)
Mateo, 3:18 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo knows that it’s a risk to see Lidia again, but he wants to try. He... (full context)
Mateo, 3:26 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
When they reach the Travel Arena, Mateo keeps Rufus from slipping on his way off the bus. They get in the line... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Lidia assures Mateo that it’s not his fault, but Mateo says it might be—if he didn’t hide so... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Rufus suggests they take one of the tours. Mateo suggests Around the World in 80 Minutes, so they climb onto the trolley. The other... (full context)
Rufus, 4:24 p.m.
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
...been in a pool since his family died. Rufus refuses to jump, and Lidia tells Mateo that he shouldn’t jump either, but Mateo gets in line anyway. Rufus is thrilled that... (full context)
Rufus, 5:01 p.m.; Patrick “Peck” Gavin, 5:05 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon much shorter than it was last night. His phone goes off: it’s the Plutos. Mateo explains to Lidia what this means as Rufus answers the FaceTime. Malcolm and Tagoe are... (full context)
Mateo, 5:14 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo thinks he’s experienced miracles today. He found Rufus, their friends are joining them, and Clint’s... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Rufus reminds Mateo that he can sing when he’s ready. They watch a teenager sing karaoke onstage, and... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
DJ LouOw welcomes Rufus and Mateo to the stage, and they congratulate the last performer. The boys accept their microphones. The... (full context)
Rufus, 5:39 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Choices and Consequences Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Rufus wants to hold Mateo’s hand, but he knows he has to hug his friends. Rufus hugs Aimee, Tagoe, and... (full context)
Mateo, 5:48 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Mateo drags Rufus to the dance floor as a guy performs an original rap about death.... (full context)
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon
Lidia sees Rufus and Mateo holding hands. Mateo apologizes for never telling her that he likes guys; he thought he... (full context)
Rufus, 5:59 p.m.
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...shoots Rufus, and Rufus vows to haunt Aimee and Peck if they get back together. Mateo sneaks up behind Peck and punches him in the face, which gives Rufus a chance.... (full context)
Mateo, 6:24 p.m.
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Mateo and Rufus sit against a wall, holding hands. Mateo wants to be somewhere safe, and... (full context)
Rufus, 7:17 p.m.
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Rufus and Mateo pass the garden where Mateo buried the bird. Mateo asks if it’s okay if they... (full context)
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Mateo leads Rufus to his room—it’s a mess. Mateo starts to pick up books and explains... (full context)
Mateo, 7:34 p.m.
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Mateo knows that Rufus loves how he’s acting, and Mateo loves it too. They sit on... (full context)
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Mateo fetches snacks and drinks, and they talk about their histories. Rufus declares that the bed... (full context)
Rufus, 7:54 p.m.
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Rufus says he loves Mateo too. If Rufus hadn’t worked so hard to be the person he’s become over the... (full context)
Mateo, 8:41 p.m.
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Mateo wakes up feeling like he can’t die. He doesn’t check the clock as he puts... (full context)
Rufus, 8:47 p.m.
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Rufus wakes up choking on smoke. He reaches for Mateo, but he’s alone. Rufus grabs his phone, shouts for Mateo, and crawls to the front... (full context)
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At 9:16, Rufus sits on the curb as medics bag up Mateo’s body. The medics attend to Rufus in the ambulance. Rufus is enraged, but he talks... (full context)
Lidia Vargas, 10:10 p.m.
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Friendship and Chosen Family Theme Icon wrong. Lidia’s phone rings and she recognizes the number: it’s Rufus. Lidia knows that Mateo died and punches the couch, which scares Penny. Penny grabs Lidia’s hands and says “Mommy,”... (full context)
Rufus, 10:14 p.m.
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Rufus’s last Instagram photo is the one of him and Mateo, with Rufus wearing Mateo’s glasses. He’s thankful that Mateo made him post in color. Rufus... (full context)
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Rufus picks up the photo of Dad and Mateo on Mateo’s birthday. He wishes he’d known Mateo longer, and he reads the note on... (full context)