This Is How It Always Is

This Is How It Always Is


Laurie Frankel

This Is How It Always Is: Part III: Away Summary & Analysis

When Rosie and Claude arrive in Bangkok, they are shocked at the city around them. There are stray animals everywhere, and chickens in cages line the streets. But the thing that is most surprising to Claude is that there are women just like him—like Poppy—all over the place. They walk the streets and work as vendors, and they are beautiful in their in their dresses, long hair, and meticulous makeup. It is not difficult to see that the women are different, Claude notices, but no one pays them any attention.
Bangkok is the first time Claude sees himself reflected in society. Seeing himself represented in society lets Clade know that he is not alone, and that in some places, transgender women (and men) are completely accepted. This gives Claude hope, which is something he badly needs at this point.
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