Three Men in a Boat


Jerome K. Jerome

Herr Slossen Boschen Character Analysis

A masterful German singer whom the men recall meeting at a party. There, he sings a tragic German folk song of heartbreak and unrequited love but is quickly offended when the audience starts laughing at him. They’re laughing because they don’t actually understand any of the lyrics, and have been jokingly informed by two mischievous Germans at the party that the song is “the funniest ever.”

Herr Slossen Boschen Quotes in Three Men in a Boat

The Three Men in a Boat quotes below are all either spoken by Herr Slossen Boschen or refer to Herr Slossen Boschen . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Romanticization of Nature Theme Icon
Chapter 8  Quotes

I noticed, as the song progressed, that a good many other people seemed to have their eye fixed on the two young men, as well as myself. These other people also tittered when the young me tittered, and roared when the young men roared; and, as the two young men tittered and roared and exploded with laughter pretty continuously throughout the song, it went exceedingly well. And yet that German professor did not seem happy.

Related Characters: J. (speaker), Herr Slossen Boschen
Page Number: Book Page 64
Explanation and Analysis:
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Herr Slossen Boschen Quotes in Three Men in a Boat

The Three Men in a Boat quotes below are all either spoken by Herr Slossen Boschen or refer to Herr Slossen Boschen . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Romanticization of Nature Theme Icon
Chapter 8  Quotes

I noticed, as the song progressed, that a good many other people seemed to have their eye fixed on the two young men, as well as myself. These other people also tittered when the young me tittered, and roared when the young men roared; and, as the two young men tittered and roared and exploded with laughter pretty continuously throughout the song, it went exceedingly well. And yet that German professor did not seem happy.

Related Characters: J. (speaker), Herr Slossen Boschen
Page Number: Book Page 64
Explanation and Analysis: