To Kill a Mockingbird


Harper Lee

A land and business owner in Maycomb. He’s a generally kind man who employed Tom Robinson, and employs Tom’s wife, Helen, after Tom is found guilty at his trial and imprisoned. When Bob Ewell tries to intimidate Helen following the trial, Mr. Deas threatens him, and he’s thrown out of court for defending Tom’s character unprompted.
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Link Deas Character Timeline in To Kill a Mockingbird

The timeline below shows where the character Link Deas appears in To Kill a Mockingbird. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 15
Growing Up Theme Icon
...and put their noses to the window screens to listen to Mr. Tate, Atticus, and Mr. Link Deas talk about the trial, getting a change of venue, and whether “they” will get drunk... (full context)
Good, Evil, and Human Dignity Theme Icon
Prejudice Theme Icon
Growing Up Theme Icon
Small Town Southern Life Theme Icon
Mr. Deas tells Atticus that he has everything to lose and Atticus asks if he really thinks... (full context)
Chapter 19
Good, Evil, and Human Dignity Theme Icon
Prejudice Theme Icon
...days in jail for disorderly conduct a while ago. He explains that he works for Mr. Deas year-round and passes the Ewell house to get to and from work. He often greeted... (full context)
Good, Evil, and Human Dignity Theme Icon
Prejudice Theme Icon
Courage Theme Icon
...because he was scared—being black, he couldn’t have fought back differently. Mr. Gilmer rises as Mr. Deas announces that he’s never had any trouble from Tom. Judge Taylor throws Mr. Deas out.... (full context)
Good, Evil, and Human Dignity Theme Icon
Prejudice Theme Icon
Dill starts to cry uncontrollably, so Jem sends him out with Scout. Outside, they greet Mr. Deas and sit under an oak tree. Dill says that he couldn’t stand the way that... (full context)
Chapter 27
Good, Evil, and Human Dignity Theme Icon
Courage Theme Icon
Small Town Southern Life Theme Icon
...odd scratching noise. He sees a shadow disappearing and his screen door cut open. Third, Mr. Deas makes a job for Helen Robinson in his store. However, when Helen uses the main... (full context)